It's really him

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{pov black}

I looked at the email in shock I was one of the few who understood that guy and he still almost killed me why is he coming here...oh wait yellow. I shut the laptop and walked out of the laboratory polus is a nice place it's just always cold I walk to the office and see green thinking to himself to bad I'm gonna interrupt that I press the emergency meeting button and somehow the first one is yellow again

[yellow] "did something happen? Ok wait are we getting our tasks for the day"

[black] "nope I have an announcement and everyone needs to be here not just you"
Yellow is fidgety as always but I still don't trust him since...nevermind. The next to show ups is lime and my sister pink with white close behind and suddenly everyone else is here and somehow green is last again
[black] "so everyone I got an email from Mira HQ and we are getting a new member"

I look around at the 7 other crewmates and smile they are looking around wondering why and who requested a new member but I dismiss that

[black] "today our task is just to pack some things since we are going on the skeld I hope we have another safe trip"

lots of people got excited besides lime and I know why probably thinking it's another girl which means more competition for her...I don't understand girls

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