'Amortentia' A DeanPharm OneShot

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"Do you know what this is?"

"No, what is it?"

"This, my friend, is Amortentia, a love potion. Said to be one of the strongest potions in the world. One drop of this, and that person would go head over heels for you!"

Win dangled the heart shaped vile in front of his best friend Dean. "I'm telling you, if you really want Pharm to fall for you, just give him a drop of this, and you'll see!"

"I'm not so sure Win, this doesn't seem right," Dean answered.

Win sighed. "Oh come on man, you've been trying to get his attention since the school year started! All you get from his a hi P'Dean and then he just walks away like a shy rabbit!"

"Yeah, but I don't think it's right to play with someone's feelings like that Win. You didn't even use it on Team, and look at how happy you two are together!"

"Well I mean, I am a natural charm, plus I did help him out that one time with his Herbology homework for Professor In," Win retorted. "Come on Dean, let's head Professor Korn's Astronomy class, and you can think about it, okay?"

"Fine," Dean responded, as the two of them headed straight down the hall, to Professor Korn's class.

"Sorry we're late Professor In! I lost my toad last night and Pharm and I spent all night looking for him!" an out of breath Team yelled at his teacher, as he and Pharm burst into class, ten minutes late.

"No need to shout Team," a very calm professor In responded. "It's the first time you and Pharm are late to my class, so I will not deduct any points from your houses."

"You're the best, Professor In!" Pharm and Team both replied, as they head to the seat they shared with their other best friend, Manaow.

She smirked at them. "Why didn't you all tell me anything? I would have helped you last night to look for Harry, your toad," Manaow whispered to them.

"Harry's fine Manaow. He wasn't missing actually," Team replied.

"What? So you basically lied to the nicest teacher in the school? You all better have a good enough reason!" Manaow angrily whispered.

"Of course we do. We were up all night looking for the perfect desert to make for Pharm to surprise P'Dean with, since P'Win told me he likes sweets," Team told Manaow.

Pharm couldn't help but blush this time.

Manaow couldn't hold in her excited squeal, which alerted the attention of the entire class, and Professor In.

"Wow, seems like someone's excited about today's class, aren't you, Manaow?" Professor In asked jokingly. To which the entire class laughed.

Win and Dean were third year students at Thailand's School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry, and they were the calm, popular boys who always had everyone's attention, but they never paid attention to anyone. That was, until the first years, Manaow, Team and Pharm started their first year at the school. Win wasted no time asking Team out, one day after finding his toad, Harry for him. They've been going strong ever since, and had the potential to become the school's it couple – apart from Professors Korn and In, who had been together since they were students at the school, and were the kindest teachers there.

Dean, on the other hand, was a little shy. Too shy, in Win's opinion. The first day he saw Pharm, walking down the hallway with his friends, it was like all time had stopped. There was nothing and no one, but that moment he saw Pharm. Win kept blabbing about how hurt he was to get his robe ripped by an angry toad, but Dean heard nothing of it. All he saw was Pharm. The way he smiled when he laughed with his friends. The way he held his books in his hand. The way his hair blew in the wind. The confused look on his face when he stopped right in front of him.

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