Chapter 1

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             There was a large blinding whiteness that no matter which way you directed your vision you only saw white, until, it faded into a much darker shade, then to black. It was much easier on your eyes as even though you didn't feel as if you were looking through eyes, in fact, you couldn't even see the rest of your body. But then you aren't one person, in fact, once this dark haze faded you were in seven different bodies. All of which had their own way of thought, their mindsets. Were you them or were they you?

              The red elder astronaut looked around confused about where who everyone was. Red was an average height for a Russian who had gained a decent English accent after learning it for a few years. He had taught his son, Neb, mostly English due to it being one of the main dominant languages and communications can be easier that way. He glanced around and noticed one person he met before the mission of space and so on. He smiled slightly at the girl whose name he had forgotten, she was a yellow suited astronaut whom he was referring to before. She was to his right, he gave a small wave because he didn't want to speak just yet if not necessary. 

           The yellow elder astronaut had kept her eyes locked on the red astronaut to the point she forgot where she was. It was hard to see each other's faces with the helmets but she saw his face and couldn't unsee it. She then shook her head realizing she was still looking causing her to get all flustered. She immediately apologized, 'I- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to stare-" she then saw the male chuckled causing her to get confused, 'W-What's so funny? " she looked at her suit and all, was she wearing nothing or something? She saw she was wearing clothes and then saw him calm down on the laughter. He then replied, ' It's okay, it's just you were looking at me so long I thought I did something wrong! Anyway," he put out a hand, ' I feel like we've met but just in case we haven't; I'm Voski, and this is my son Neb, my mini-me." She sighed with relief and took his hand shaking it, 'I'm Tenshi, and this is Chisai!" she said directing her free hand at her child on the ground whilst keeping happier thoughts.

           The purple youngest elder there had her switch in her hands mid-game of Mario Kart, a game of racing though her player wasn't moving with her hands off of the controls. She had her eyes at the window of the ship, she was astounded by the view and was left in awe. She stayed at the table not wanting to get lost and because if she remembered from any game it is to stay at the start until you get directed to avoid getting lost. She swayed her tail around though she couldn't move her ears in the helmet and get them noticed.

           The green elder astronaut glanced around at the anonymous people, she hadn't recognised anything or anyone of this place. She was bluntly confused by this only having fuzzy memories on as to how they even came to this here spaceship.  She felt around her suit as if looking for her phone and then found a tablet instead. She powered it on with a light but a firm push of the power button. It was taking quite the amount of time just to work, or maybe it was meant to stay on that odd indescribable logo.

           The blue elder astronaut looked around he was worrisome at the sight of the multitude of others but then calmed his breathing once noticing his children were there among him. He would prefer them to be alright and with him in general. He hugged his children both at once happy to see them alive, he wasn't exactly suspicious that they were dead but fear would have gotten the best of him if he didn't see them. Though, he couldn't exactly remember everything about the kids except for their names. He felt a little off but he kept it to himself.

           The lime elder astronaut had looked around with his arms crossed, he had no clue of anyone's identities here but noticed one was on a tablet. He kept a note mentally that they had tablets for some unknown reason in space and somehow a girl had a Nintendo product with her as well. He had the mindset to believe he was the captain of the ship, he didn't have the knowledge of to why. Maybe it was the hat?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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