Shower Scene ;)

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Harry's POV:
      When I got to my common room everyone went silent. (The common room was filled with upperclassmen.) I think it's because they think I willingly put my name in. That's funny, if only they knew, earlier I said I wanted nothing to do with this tournament. Also, everyone in my year and below knows that I was at that table the whole time.

     I walked up the stairs to get to my room I share with Ron and Neville to find that our whole class of Gryffindors were gathered in there. I was in shock. Some finally noticed that I walked in and they hushed their friends. Soon the whole room went silent except for Ron. "Harry!"

     "Ron, what is going on here?"

     "We just thought that you may need help with the tournament and wanted to come together to talk about how we can help." Everyone went back to talking about it under their breaths.

"I am not some spectacle for you to just stare, point and whisper about. I am a human being. GET OUT! All of you!" Everyone scrambled to their feet and started leaving one by one.

"I'm gonna go to the common room, Harry. We were just trying to help," Ron said while shutting the door.

I let out a frustrated sigh and headed towards the bathroom to take a warm shower.

     I guess I didn't realize how long I was in there because when I turned the water off I could hear knocks on the door. I stepped out and wrapped the towel around my waist and said "You can come in," because I assumed it was Ron or Neville.

    "Harry? I just wanted to check in to see if you were alright, you seemed a bit distraught ear-" Cedric's jaw dropped to the floor when he saw his practically naked boyfriend.

   "I- Cedric, I'm sorry I thought you were Ron." I scrambled to find the clothes that I brought in here with me, as I felt a hand wrap around my waist. "Cedric? Whatcha doing?" I asked as I stopped in my tracks.

Cedric's POV:
    "I'm hugging my boyfriend," I said playfully, as I watch Harry blush. "Can I not hug my boyfriend?" I ended with a smirk. He's blushing even harder if that was even possible. He's so adorable when he blushes!

     "I, um, no you can, but, um, uh-" I spun him around and kissed him. I hold him, as he sinks into the kiss.

      I can hear faint knocks on the door of the dorm. The door swings open "Everybody decent!?" Hermione exclaimed. Harry, almost immediately, tries to push me away as he spun around, regaining his balance.

    "Hermi- Hermione, give me a moment I'm just getting out of the shower," Harry said as I was kissing his neck. I could hear her step out of the room and back into the hall.

     "Ced-" I cut him off kissing his lips. He pushes me back gently. "Cedric I really need to get dressed," at this point the towel was only still up because he was holding it so tightly. "Yeah, alright," I left the bathroom and snuck out of his room unnoticed.

Harry's POV:
      Gosh Hermione, did you have to come right then? I look in the mirror while steadying myself on the counter.

      I may not be ready to go all the way yet with Cedric, but I'm okay with kisses. It's hard to get used to being vulnerable like that when I get flashbacks to horrible memories from the past. I know one day I'll be ready, today is just not that day. Sometimes I worry he will leave me because of it but I know he isn't like that.


     As I am walking down the stairs I immediately search for my classmates. As if on cue Hermione waved me over to the tables where a whole bunch of them are talking. I stop at the head of the tables. "I wanted to apologize for how I reacted earlier, I was really stressed and lashed out towards all of you and I'm sorry."

     "Don't worry about it Harry we get it, well I- uh I mean- I guess we don't get it exact-" I cut Neville off. "Thank you, Neville, I got what you meant."

     My eyes landed on Cedric sitting right next to Neville. I made my way to him and as I was sitting down next to him, he pulls me as close to him as possible. I laid my head on his shoulder as I relax I listen to the conversations happening around me.

    Hermione is trying to discuss possible suspects who put my name in the goblet. I think it was Draco or one of his minions, but I haven't said anything to anyone. I don't have proof and I certainly didn't want to point fingers if it wasn't him. Ron had been trying to accuse Snape, he said that he wouldn't put it past him, but I don't think it was him. Snape hadn't left the teacher's table. Although there were a couple of teachers unaccounted for, I assume they were with the students that weren't putting their names into the goblet.

During the discussion, I fell asleep on Cedric's shoulder but somehow ended up in my bed the next morning.


"Sirius, I don't understand why you can't come and watch me play. Everyone at Hogwarts knows about Peter." Harry said on the phone with Sirius.

"Harry, you know it's not that easy. If the Ministry knew of my whereabouts I'd be arrested or worse."

"I know it just sucks."

"I'm sorry Harry. Maybe in the future."

Sirius and Harry have been calling every two weeks to keep each other in the loop, Harry asks for advice about the tournament and Sirius gives Harry updates on his whereabouts. As of right now, Sirius doesn't stay in one place for too long. Harry knows it's what he has to do but it sucks that he never has family watching his games. Sirius enjoys these calls because he knows Harry is safe and well cared for.

"So Harry, how's that boyfriend of yours!?"

As soon as Cedric got together, of course, Harry told Sirius first. Even before he told his friends. To Harry, Sirius is everything he needs, whether it be family or a built-in buddy to talk to about anything.

After last year Harry is so happy to have finally met his godfather and is happy Sirius wasn't the reason his parents were dead. Sirius has been keeping tabs on Harry even while in Azkaban. Sirius would get letters from the elderly women that lived across the street from the Dursleys, she kept him up to date on Harry. Sirius never knew how bad the abuse Harry went through was until Harry told him. He also hated the fact that he couldn't do anything about it. Harry loved getting to know Sirius. They would be practically inseparable if Sirius wasn't always on the move.

Hello all, please bare with me. I came up with the idea of this story years ago. I've grown a lot since then so please keep that in mind as you notice the changes in writing. I can't promise I'll update quickly, but I will upload when I can.

Comment any questions you may have about this story here and I'll answer as long as it's not spoiling any future plans for the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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