Chapter 32

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"No Jerry I can't come back."

"Yes you said that but I need you here and I'm not getting why...."

"Why? Because I'm not well is why!" I yelled slamming the door and hanging up on him.

"Whats wrong, you sick?" Jodi asked watching me shrug off my jacket.

"Yes. I am sick of life." I said kicking my shoes off and shoving them away with my feet throwing my jacket on top.

"What happened?" She frowned following me to my room.

"I'm stupid is what happened!" I yelled falling face first on my bed.

"What did you do?"

"I mebf wif wouie"

"What? You gotta move your face out of the pillow sweetie I can't hear you."

"I MET WITH LOUIS" I yelled turning over.

"Oh Ryan that's fantastic!" She grinned sitting next to me.

"No its not because I screwed it up again!"


"Because I did. I saw him and all I could think about it the 3 thousand miles keeping us apart!"

"I'm sure you didnt screw it up forever."

"You didnt see his face! He was so hurt."

"So why didnt you tell him?"

"I wanted to but everytime I tried a voice in my head screamed '3 thousand miles 3 thousand miles.'"

"But you love him."

"Thanks for telling me something I already know." I snapped.

"Okay....Im gonna let that slide because your in pain."

"Im sorry." I sighed putting my head in my hands.

"You love him.... Ryan that should be enough to make you see that 3 thousand miles isnt that bad....You see we are no longer cave men. Theres phones, and laptops and planes. You could always have a way to get to him."

"...... Im an idiot."

"Yes I have been telling you that since you got back."

"Oh God! Im an idiot!" I yelled standing.

"I know!" She yelled back standing as well.

"I love Louis!"

"I know! Why are we standing!"

I smirked pulling out my suitcase.

"Where are you going?" Jodi asked.

"I have to go get him back."

"What? How?"

"I dont know but maybe I'll start off with telling him! I'll- I'll move to London, I'll make a skype account, I don't know but I will make it work."

"How?" She asked watching me throw jeans into my bag.

"He uhm.... He came to ask me if I still wanted to come to his album release party with him. I could go to that?"

"When is it?"

"Uh todays May 3rd so two days."

"Oh! Oh no!" She yelled starting to pack my things.

"What am I gonna wear to the party?"

She thought for a moment before running into her room. She came back a moment later hold a short red dress hanging off the hanger.

"Jodi." I widened my eyes running a hand over the dress. "Thats you favorite dress."

"Yes and my lucky one so you have to wear it to get Louis back."

"Your the best!" I said hugging her.

"Hurry!" She said pushing me off.

"Im sorry!" I backed away placing the dress neatly inside the bag.

"And these heels!" She yelled throwing some black ones at me.

"Okay I have to go." I zipped up the bag dragging it behind me as I ran to the door.

"You go Ryan!" She yelled looking confused as I ran back.

"What happened?"

"Forgot my jacket." I told her running back out.

"Was that really important?!"

I just told my mom to suck it I've never made a bigger mistake.

Jail Bail (Louis Tomlinson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora