the person down the stairs(chapter 3)

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      All the sudden while laying there staring at the stars oh so romantically, they hear foot steps coming down the marbled stone stairs and before Draco could hide Luna Love Good was right in front them. and you' ll never believe what she says "oh come on i cant tell you fancy her, get closer already its alright", and in less then .002 seconds scarlet was in dracos arms. 

    "I thought I heard rustling down here, its an awfully majestic night isnt it. Anyways ill be back off to bed;)". about 15mins went bye befor neither scarlet or draco said anything and then scarlet got up the gutts and said "you know i thought you were gonna be different but when it comes to think about it your not that bad", Malfoy chuckled "why thankyou your not to bad yourself". and all the sudden Dracos cold, weiry, vainy and large hands slid in into scarlets small thin hands and bolth relaxed of the touch of each other , scar(scarlet) layed her head on dracos burley chest and they bolth fell alseep. Malfoy wokeup around 5am and snook out trying not to wake scar up and he was succesful, he went back to the slytherin corridor and fell asleep in his own bed, 

    the next day he was walking around the halls and going to classes while scar was no where to be seen he looked for her and even asked luna where she was and she said "i dont know im sorry". he couldnt find scar for 2 weeks and then all the sudden when he just decided to give up, while sitting in his tree eating and apple she walked by in a SHORT short mini skirt color of baby blue with a checkered pattern, and white crop top with white vans with a ravenclaw symbol on the sleeve, until mrs umbridge saw her and boy you should have saw her run, but then dracos shot was gone.

Draco become worried the next day when he found out the yule ball was coming up, he wanted to ask her but he was worried about what people would think, his whole life thats what hes been worried about his reputation thats what his family only cares about to he is a pure blood, malfoy known for his mysterious look and tone, black clothes and plenty of power he doesnt want to be come a softie or an embarrassment to the rest of the malfoy family(what do you think is gonna happen next).

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