Chapter 1

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Sam was on his way to Bobby's house. He hasn't seen the man in years and was greatful that he accepted to take him in after telling him that his girlfriend just died the same way his mom did. He wasn't sure if Bobby welcomed him to stay because Sam was like a son to him or because this has got to do with the demon his family has been hunting since he was 6 months old. But nevertheless, he was glad he was going to see his unbiological uncle again; and apparently Dean and his dad were staying at his house as well, Bobby had said. What a coincidence.
But he just needed emotional support now, and he had nowhere to stay, as his apartment had partly burnt down. He also didn't want to stay in Stanford after the incident, he needed some time away. He needed his family; and he hoped they would be there for him and not just focus on the demon.

As he read the familiar sign welcoming him to Seiux Falls, he started mentally preparing for his end. Dean was going to kill him, his dad was going to kill him- no, they would destroy him. He felt like he was exaggerating but when they find out about this, they weren't going to take it too lightly. He just hoped they wouldn't yell at him in her presence though, he didn't want her to get scared.
He looked through his car mirror and saw the little girl sleeping peacefully in the backseat, head pressed on the window. She was so innocent, and too young to loose her mother. And of course, Sam didn't have the heart to tell her the whole hurt-crushing truth; he had told her that Mommy was in a beeter place now, happy with the angels, using specific words to make her understand that Mommy wasn't coming back but letting her know that she was in a happy and more beautiful and peaceful place, to try and make the toddler feel better. He somehow managed to convince her, and she was taking it better than expected.
His daughter. This was his daughter he was going to intorduce to his family. How is he supposed to explain to his family that he's had a daughter for three years and never once called to tell them? He has his reasons, of course, and he hoped to god he wouldn't get yelled at in front of her when they found out.

As he arrived to the front of the all-too-familiar house, which held a lot of childhood memories, he parked right next to the black impala, which he had missed way to much.
He only told Bobby that his girlfriend was murdered by a supernatural creature and needed sometime away to grief. He had never specified what had killed her, nor mentioned his daughter. So that's what his family knew so far, because that's what Bobby had most likely already told them.

"Hey pancake, we're here, wakey wakey now." Sam said in a soft, soothing voice, turning around to look at his daughter. She stirred a bit but kept her eyes closed and Sam gently nudged her small arm. "Heyyy, Holly sweety, we've arrived, you need to wake up now... Holly."
She slowly opened her eyes and made a protesting noise to which Sam chuckled at; sleepy Hazel eyes met another pair of Hazel eyes. They both tiredly smiled at each other.

"We're here baby," he leaned in and kissed her forhead softly. He got out of his car, taking the car keys with him, and opened the back door, then proceeded to untie Holly from the toddler car seat after a couple of failed attempts. Damn, this thing is annoying hard to work out. It was usually Arwen that dealt with the car seat. He sighed and picked up his 3 year old and placed her on the ground. After shutting the back door and locking the car, the duo walked together to Bobby's doorstep; Holly tiredly reaching up for her dad's hand as Sam knocked the door with the other. When he felt her small, cold hand wrapping around his pinkie, he looked down at her and smiled reassuringly, wrapping his long fingers around her hand.
"Don't worry, pancake, you're gonna love them."

After a few moments they heard some shuffling and the door opened, revealing a judgy Bobby Singer pointing a shotgun at them. Sam didn't look surprised as he was used this whenever him and his family came over, but forgot that Holly wasn't in fact, used to this and he felt her hide behind him. Bobby hadn't seem to notice her though, as he eyed Sam up and down and half-grinned at Sam, clearly having missed the boy.
"Sorry, can't be too careful." His gruffly voice spoke up. He placed the shotgun on the corner of the doorstep saying "damn boy, you have grown a tone since I last saw ya!" he patted Sam on the shoulder, his way of hugging someone. "Ya idjit could have called ya know?"
"I know Bobby, I'm sorry." he said truly, but Bobby just shook his head in a way of saying 'don't worry about it, son', and stepped aside to let Sam in.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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