1( Good Days )

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Ok, a little AN here. This is where the one shot's Dragon Age Inquistion truly begins. It's set in the Hinterlands before Cole, Dorian, and Ironbull are introduced. Like; right out of Haven kind of begining.

And there will be more one shots leaning off of this one. Like, a series of short stories within a tale. I'm SO excited for this. Let the games begin! Hope you enjoy!

-This song -Suicide Sleep- By Jaymes Young speaks volumes about people it can pertain to- Certainly Cillindis. How she copes with everything from the bad up till the point it turns good again.

-A very good opening song for her in this fic. in my opinion-

- R U E -

It was freezing.

The mountain side's topped with snow and the light dusting of ice sprinkled the ground. Even as the sun rose high in the sky; the pine's surrounding them still glistened with their frozen branches. The reflections creating a series of colors around the forest. It was a sight indeed. But, not all would enjoy it.

It was chilly.

In an out cropped camp site. Two individuals sat beside a camp fire; warming themselves on the simmering coals. The grey Warden shuffled closer into his coat, sniffling for added measure before returning his misty gaze back to the some what burning fire. He was irritated to say the least,

The logs would'nt light.


It was cold.

Blackwall sighed, leaning back on the ground. His gloved hands sliding against the pebbles till both arms locked at the elbows. Beside him, Varric did the same. The dwarf had an equally branded frown on his face, the shadows of his cheeks making him look older as the small pitifully sparks flickered at their feet.

"Ok, Hero. What now?" He spoke up, his eyes clouded with sleep. The dwarf stiffled an oncoming yawn with his right hand before settling somewhat comfortably back into his spot. BlackWall sighed slightly, blinking back at his companion.

"We wait." He said simply, the warden grabbed a handfull of rocks and then let the stones fall out onto the ground. Ahead of them sparks crackled, and Varric nodded despite himself. Both settled back into an equal amount of silence, in turn they streatched their toes inside their boots. In front of the fire they tried to warm themselves, completely lost on trying to re-kindle the flames.

A rustle of fabric brought their attention away from their indifferent thoughts, across the fire pit the smallest of the three tents opened. Out slowly stepped a sleepy looking elf. She trudged forward till she stood infront of them. From where they sat they could barely make out the bags that stood out from her soft features, then closely concealed as she rubbed her face.

She looked rather tired. So, after several minutes of aqward staring she cleared her throat and walked closer to them. "Gather up your stuff big guy, we're going huntin.' " The elf spoke rather tiredly.

Blackwall frowned. "Right, Ma'am." He did'nt question her order as he pushed himself ot his feet. Nor' did he say anything as he left; hearing Varric ask if he as well could tag along.

"No not this time bud, I need to get Sara off her lazy ass." The Herald said simply; scratching the side of her face in earnest. Varric seemed to take that as an understanding and did'nt press into it. Blackwall on the other hand took this as the time to wake up the woman that his leader mentioned; he rapped his knuckles on the wooden post that held up one of the red tents. Till' inside he heard a muffled crash and a series of winces.

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