the parenting

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[alastors pov]

Just a few weeks or months ago Angel brought a baby to the hotel and I'm glad becasue since serenity is just a toddler she is learning how to walk and I'm proud because I'm a dad to serenity and Angel is a Spidy dad to serenity, don't kids just grow up so fast. Angel is worried about serenity because Exetermination day is just a few days away and he doesnt want serenity to be traumatized. The news started playing

[666 hell news] 

hello katie killjoy here, today we will be looking into ex Angel p__n star. Angel if uur hearing this ur boss wants u in his office now. thats all for now.

[alastors pov]

Angel still works for the p__n studio...after he told me he had a diffrent job....he lied to me...My own boyfriend lied to me.....but why did he lie to me....just why...


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