The Torn Portrait

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Time Skip to the day before Halloween

I walked through the dark halls of the castle slowly making my way up to the gryffindor common room. I had just finished Detention with Snape where he made me dust all of the paintings in the castle. I had started at 8 PM and ended at 2 AM. I turned around feeling as if I was being watched, I looked in the blackness behind to see that nothing was behind me. I sped up my pace to the portrait so I could get out of the dark and cold of the castle.

"Balderdash," I said to the Fat Lady and the portrait swung open and I stepped inside the warm room. The fires were ablaze, and I looked up only to see that both of the twins were still awake.

"Why are you guys still up, it's almost three in the morning you should be in bed!" I asked them wondering why they were up this late when they had early quidditch practice early the next morning.

"We were waiting for you plus this is the only time we can plan pranks without Percy watching over our shoulders." They looked up at me after writing something down.

"Hey did you know that Black was spotted near here? In Dufftown, it's not that far away." George hands me a copy of today's Daily Prophet.


Earlier today a muggle had spotted the escapee and mass murder Sirius Black in Dufftown, Aberdeenshire. The muggle when questioned said that they did not realize who it was at first but when they did they notified Police. Many aurors apparated over to that spot but were sadly too late as when they got there the murderer had vanished into thin air. The search continues for this man, if you have ANY information about him please contact the Ministry directly.

"Ok well go to bed soon. I don't think Oliver would want two tired beaters for practice tomorrow. i'm gonna go up to bed! Goodnight!." I said before I turned away and walked up the stairs to the girls dormitory. I pulled open my trunk and pulled out the two possessions that were from my parents. From my father, I had an old leather back journal that was filled with notes and writings. From my mother, I had a small golden locket shaped like a tiny book with a moonstone in the middle and the letters N.M inscribed in the back. I flipped open the journal and started to read the first couple lines and then I realized something that I had not before, at the end of each entry in faded ink it was signed with S.B. I flip over the book and look on the back only to find out that the same S.B, Imprinted into the leather. I set the locket and the journal back into my trunk and then grabbed my pyjamas. I go into the bathroom to get changed and brush my teeth. I walk out of the room and climb into my four poster bed, I draw the curtains and lay my head down on the memory foam scarlett pillow. I turn off my alarm since we had no classes the next day and drift off into a deep sleep.

Then next morning I was awoken by Katie taking a shower and Alicia walking out of the dorms. I look at my watch and realize that it is already 10 in the morning. I hop out of bed and quickly get changed into a fuzzy sweater and black Leggings, I then grab my locket and fasten it around my neck, then tuck it under my shirt,I then put my hair in a half up hairstyle. I go down into the common room and realize that ginny is not up yet. So I walk to her dorm and go to wake her up. I walk in and look around only to realize that she is not there, so I decide just to get and grab breakfast. I walk down into the great hall and just take a minitue to look around, the hall is filled with hundreds of floating jack-o-lanterns mixed in with the regular candles, and to make it even spookier bats are flitting around. I walk to the gryffindor table and grab a piece of bacon but before it can make it into my mouth it gets knocked out.

"Ughh what guys?" I expect to see the twins but instead I see Cedric.

"Oh hey Ced! What's up? Also why did you have to knock my bacon away? I'm super hungry." I am a bit annoyed since I did not get to eat my bacon slice.

Hogwarts Is My Home I George WeasleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon