Chapter One

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Another wave crashed on top of Ariel, forcing her deeper into the deadly waters.

She tried to push herself to the surface, but with every attempt, she could only manage a quick breath before she was pulled back under.

She couldn't see. She couldn't breath. What was happening?!

She tried to swim, but her arms and legs flailed around uselessly. Funny, she felt like she should be able to. Why was it so hard? It was like she never had legs before.

Her lungs felt like they were about to burst. She didn't have much time left.

Another wave toppled on top of her. She spun out of control in flurry of bubbles. She was deeper than she ever had been before.

"Air! Air! I need air!" Was the only thing on her mind. With every last bit of effort she had left she struggled for the surface.

Slowly, she made her way closer and closer. Her arms and legs ached all over, but she didn't give up.

In one full burst she broke through, taking a huge gasp of breath.

For a moment everything was still. Until another huge wave began to tower over her. This time, Ariel had no more energy to try to escape it. She floated helplessly as she slowly began to lose consciousness. As soon as the wave hit everything went black.

Jim walked along the beach, lightly kicking the sand beneath his feet.

He usually wasn't in the mood to take strolls on the beach, but since he finished his chores, and his solar surfer was under repair, he couldn't think of much else to do.

The sun was setting, and the evening was peaceful...besides the constant rolling of waves far off.

He hated days like this. With nothing to do, all he could do was think. And his thoughts usually led to his past.

He never really had anyone to talk to. He did have his mom, but she was constantly worried about him. Talking to her about his thoughts would only worry her more, not to mention make it completely awkward for him.

He watched the far off waves crash against the ocean. The waters turned an orange-red color from the reflection of the sunset.

His hands were stuffed in his pockets, his face showed no emotion. For there was nothing to feel. The sunset was beautiful, but not anymore beautiful than the one that set yesterday, or the day before. His life never seemed to change. Same occurrences everyday. He yearned for something more. Ever since he was a child he wanted adventure. And yet here he was. Sixteen years old and nothing to show for it.

In a way he hated this trait about him. Hungry for adventure. Just like his father. He was so hungry that he left him and his mother alone, and never came back.

Jim had already vowed that if he ever left, he would come back for his mother. The last thing he wanted was to follow in his father's footsteps

He continued to watch the wild ocean, when something caught his eye. Once the water was still for a moment, something burst through the surface. It was so far off and he could only make the silhouette, but he could of sworn it was a human....a girl.

Jim ran through the shallow waters and jumped on top of a rock jutting from the waters.

He watched as a massive wave rolled, and he saw the human girl get carried away.

Without thinking, he dived into the water and chased after her. Of course he didn't think about the massive wave, and soon he was under.

When he was finished spinning he began to frantically look around. He soon found the girl.
He swam in her direction, grabbed her waist and made for the surface.

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