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"hey cassy !!" My brother greeted me like he usually did .

"Morning Cory " I replied as I tried my best not to laugh at his funny blue hair as it sprung out in all different directions .clearly my brother was no fool as he caught my smile from a mile away

"What's so funny?"  he asked looking behind him as if one of his classmates were about to scare him .

"Nothing ."I say but unable to hold it in I eventually cave and burst with laughter my brother still confused joins me" your hair " I manage "it's everywhere " he glances at the mirror and laughs at himself . "Thanks kid I couldn't have gone to battle like this " my smile faded

"I wish you didn't have to go to battle " I say sadly "I know Cass but that's how it is ,and eventually you'll fight to ." A small smile crept across my face "when I turn eighteen right ?? Then we can fight together ." I say regaining joy at the thought of being with him again .

"You bet " was all he said those were the last words I ever heard from him our video call ended almost immediately after that because of a severe attack I held the picture frame in my hands tightly as I stared at my brother in his blue uniform standing with his class a smile on his face ,he always had a smile on his face

"Miss Blackwell you shouldn't be in here ." The nurse startled me "oh I'm sorry I just had to see her before we go out" I say as I look over at haelynn who somehow always reminded me of my brother   "she's my best friend I can't just leave without saying goodbye " the nurse nodded

"As touching as that is miss Blackwell it's after visitation hours and you got a bus to catch " I look at the clock .oh shoot!! I'm gonna miss the bus and brynnley will kill me !! I get up quickly grabbing my jacket and heading for the door but before I leave I turn to the nurse

"Do you think she'll wake up soon ??" I ask she sighs "miss Blackwell you've been asking that question for four months ,what do you think ??" I think for a moment "I think she'll wake up soon she just needs a little push " I say before rushing to the bus .

"Where were you ?? " Sapphire asks worriedly" you could've gotten in trouble " . "You went to see her again didn't you ??" Jamison asks

I sigh "look I don't expect you guys to understand but haelynn was the first person I cared about after my brother's death ,she understood me when no one else did I can't just give up on her .I mean you can't can you ?? Jamison you've had a crush on her since forever" He looked away quickly "and sapphire she helped you be more confident and your just givi..."

"am I interrupting something ?? " Brynnley asks "no commander "I quickly say before rushing to my seat and sitting down . As the bus started I couldn't help but remember the first week we got here haelynn and I had become inseperable in that short week . She made me happy when I was sad she was the one person I ever opened up to since my brother I mean I never spoke to anyone else .

I suppose bad luck just follows me around Cory ,haelynn ,and of course my grandpa basically everyone I was close to at this point I wouldn't be surprised if I caused the war . I know I know it'd be pretty crazy especially since it started before I was born but you never know .

As the bus continued on ,I thought of one thing , how would I Cassidy Blackwell avenge my loved ones and end this treacherous war ...

(Did you ever see this coming ?? )

The End Of My Life : Cassidy Blackwell Where stories live. Discover now