Chapter One

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From One Home To Another

I wake up to the sound of two cheerful birds chirping outside of the window. I slowly roll over onto my stomach to look at the time, I realize that it is only 3:22 am and I can fit in 30 more minutes of sleep.

I back roll over onto my side and peacefully close my eyes, but I can't seem to fall back asleep my mind was buzzing with the fact that I was starting at my new school Hogwart School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I did not know whether to be sad or happy to be starting at a new school. I then had to quickly pocket that thought because I heard a small soft knock on the door.

"Come in," I said in my usual raspy morning voice.

"Good morning darling, are you excited for today?"

It was my mother. Every morning for the past fifteen years my mother would come upstairs to wake me up and ask if I were excited for the day. This time I actually had a reason to be excited.

"I don't really know how to feel about it mother. I am happy but also sad because I am leaving all of my friends at Beauxbatons."

Mother slowly walks over to me and sits on the end of my four-poster queen size bed.

"I know honey but just think of Hogwarts as a fresh start and you will make plenty of new memories. I know it will not be difficult for you to make new friends plus you have to remember darling it's for the best."

I slowly begin to sit up in bed facing mum. "But mum I don't want a fresh start. I just want to be with my old friends at Beauxbatons."

"Believe me honey I went through the same thing when I was your age. You must also remember we are doing this to be closer to your father." I sadly nod.

My father worked at the Wizarding Bank Gringotts in London but right now we currently live in France.

"Now come along darling you must get ready and finish packing we are leaving in two hours."

Mother says as she stands up from your bed and quietly leaves your room. I start to scan the room to see that I still have loads to pack, remembering that last night I was supposed to be packing but I fell asleep from exhaustion. I release a heavy sigh and flop onto my back.

I finally decide it is time for me to get up and start packing. I walk into my closet and realize there is actually not too much to pack anymore. I slowly start to pull my clothing and shoes from the shelf and pile them into boxes until I find a picture of me when I was little, but there was another kid, a boy he had short blonde hair slicked back not a single strand out of place. Not blonde but almost white, I tried to remember the boy's name but nothing came to mind. I very carefully wrap the picture frame in tissue paper and set it in a box.

Once the closet is empty I tape up the boxes that are filled with clothes and shoes, I decided to move onto the books. Every single one of these books meant something to me, either a gift from a family member or one that I stole from a library from downstairs, each book had a story of its own. A good section of the books was from my father, when I was younger I would read chapter books to my father before bedtime.

The first book I grabbed was Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen. This was the first book my father had ever given me and I absolutely adored it. I looked at the clock that was still hanging on the wall only to realize that I was getting off track. I quickly start to stack the books in the box labeled "Books from Lucia's room."

I took another quick glance back at the clock only to see that it was 4:27 am I only have eighteen minutes to bring the boxes down to the large truck right outside my house that was carrying all of the belongings to London and eat before J must leave. I rushed to put all of your books into the remaining boxes and tape them up. I lifted the heavy boxes from my room and carried them down the grand staircase to the big double doors of the family manor.

I finally set down the last box from my room near all the others at the back of the big truck. I slowly begin to walk back inside and up the stairs to my room to say one last goodbye. The room was completely empty and now that wave of sadness washed over me. I was leaving your childhood home, the home that I was raised in.

I leave my room and close the doors for the last time. I begin the walk down the grand staircase and to the big double doors that lead outside until I hear mother call my name from the kitchen.

I pushed open the doors and walk into the kitchen to see mum filling a plastic cup with orange juice.

"Your breakfast is ready dear, but because the table is already in the truck you will have to sit and eat on the floor," she says.

I walk over to the counter and grab the paper plate with my breakfast which consisted of two raspberry and chocolate chip pancakes with a perfect square of butter melting on top and maple syrup slowly dripping down the sides onto the plate. Mother walks over to me and hands me the plastic cup of orange juice, she places her hand on my shoulder and kisses me on the cheek.

"Eat up Lucia, we have a long ride to London."

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