^Chapter 1 Part 1/???^

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I reserve my right to add more to this list
Language warning
Y/N:Your Name
L/N: Last Name

"Eep!" I yelp as I fall out of the locker collapsing onto the ground "owww.." I whimpered as I held my head in pain as I felt dizzy. After a few minutes when the dizziness and pain finally went down I examined my surroundings standing up. "Huh! Where am I?" I asked myself as I looked around at this run-down looking classroom, there were several desks, a whiteboard, along with another locker that was next to the one I was in. I walked up to the second locker to open it to check if anything useful was there but then a girl fell out of it falling onto me.
"Owwww" she said "I'm very sorry for falling onto you."
"It's alright, I didn't get hurt, did you." I replied in my cutesie voice I use when acting like the Ultimate Actress people saw on tv.
"Oh no, I'm perfectly fine. You don't have to apologize, I should apologize for not asking if you were ok. So umm what about-"
Shefinally took a good look at me and screamed. "Your Y/N L/N!!! The Ultimate Actor! You starred in some of my favorite animes like A Silent Speech!" She quickly got up and bowed. "I'm Tsugumi Shirogami! The Ultimate cosplayer! I'd love to get to cosplay with you!"
"Oh well you really don't have to fawn over me or anything." I shyly used my long sleeves to cover my embarrassed looking face. "I-it's kinda embarrassing and I-I rather we just be friends." She smiled and nodded, seeming like she's calmed down a bit. "N-now if you don't mind me asking, do you know where we are, or how we got here." She looked like she's trying to think and then shakes her head.
"I'm sorry but I can't remember." She sighed.
"Rise and Shine Ursine!" Suddenly out of nowhere some odd looking stuffed animals appeared.
"Ahhhhh!" Tsumugi screamed.
"Aww, they're so cute and tiny, and look they have cute little accessories." I smile kneeling down to their level.
"I'm not cute! I'm a rock hard ranger!" Said the little blue bear with a guitar.
"I actually like being called cute, it's nice." Said the cute pink one in the little bra.
"What are you cute little guys" I asked them, talking in my baby voice.
"We're the Monokubs!" The red one says proudly as they proceed to do a very super hero anime looking entrance. "Monotaro!"
"With our powers combined, we are the Monokubs!" They all cheered after their grand introduction.
"This doesn't make you all any less cute." I smiled at them cutely.
"Yay!" Monotaro cheered.
"You's have never knew us before correct because if you's did I'd have to kill you's for that comment."
"Of course not," I exclaimed "I'd never forget such cute teddy bears." They all look at eachother."
"Yay it worked!" Monotaro cheered once again.
"Phew, had me worried for a second." Monokid sighed of relief.
"What are you guys talking about?" Tsumugi asked clearly confused by all of what was going on.
"Hey one question at a time, now you's can ask your first question." Monosuke told us and I thought about a question but Tsumugi interrupted my thinking.
"Where are we, are we in a school?"
"You guys are in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, aren't you both happy that we're being so helpful!" Monophanie smiled as she looked accomplished.
"I don't remember a place called that." I softly mumbled to myself tilting my head slightly.
"Of course you idiots haven't! This fucking school was created for you 17!" Monokid shouts.
"17?" Tsumugi asked.
"Yeah! There are 16 Ultimates at this here school." Monosuke tells us talking like we actually were idiots. But 16 other Ultimates, I haven't met another Ultimate in my life, it sure sounds like it would be fun, it wouldn't be fun to have to keep up this Cute Perfect Princess act though, but keeping my reputation was something I had to keep, I guess I could pretend I had a different talent or forgot mine, but that's an overused character design and I already told Tsumugi my talent. When they didn't hear our reply I guess they thought we didn't know what Ultimates were.
"Ultimates are people scouted by the Ultimate initiative for their talents." Monokid informs us. I decided to interrupt them before they had to explain every little detail about it.
"Oh umm we actually know what that is, well I think, I'm sorry for interrupting that was very rude of me." I said as I pretended to panic.
"Yeah I didn't need the whole explanation either." Tsumugi added.
"If they still forgot their Ultimate Talents it would be such a waste."
"H-huh! What do you mean forget?" I questioned.
"Stop your yapping and take a look around!" Monokid yelled at us.
"I-I'm sorry!" They then continued to leave.
"So Long! Bear Well!" They all said as they then vanished.
"I'm going to go explore the academy on my own, but if we meet up again I'll join you!" Tsumugi told me.
"Ok, thank you! I had a great time meeting you Tsumugi!" I waved and smiled as she left and then sigh of relief once she's gone. "That act is going to get old very quickly.."

The Ultimate Romance (Kokichi Oma x Reader) By Little_Light_ShadowDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora