In The Begining.............

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Dylan Dauzat was my best friend in kindergarten. We loved each other. We meet because our parents were friens, and I mean really close. We played together all the time. And his twin was my bestfriend and we played too. But suddenly, Everthing changed about 11 years later. "911 whats your emergancey!" The 911 operator said as I tried to talk on the phone. "There......Theres been a very bad wreck!.................We need someone out here now!!!" I said as I was trying to keep my head up and stay concious. "How old are you sweetie?" he said as I could hear my dad moaning in the car. "Im 15 and i need paramedicts out here fast......... I flew out the window and and im on the ground not to far away from the car. There is 7 vehicles in the crash." "I will need to know your location" i dont know can you locate my phone" "Yes are u in benton" "i think so"ok "ok maam" 'hurry i need help and now!!" "ok ma'am, we are on out way to u right now." "HELP ME SOMEONE HELP ME" as i said as i was trying to get up as i ssen a man walking by. He was in all black and has a black backpack on his back then all the sudden he grabs me and I can't breath...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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