Chapter 17

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Alex sighed happily as she opened the door to her apartment and stepped inside. She dropped her purse and keys onto the table just to the right of the door as Olivia followed her inside and quickly closed the door after her. "I am so glad that's over," she murmured as she wrapped her arms around Olivia's neck.

"Me too," Olivia replied honestly, although for a different reason. Now that she and Alex were home, they could 'celebrate' the successful completion of their weeklong bet. At least, that was what Olivia was hoping for. The detective looked at the face of the woman in her arms, trying to discern whether she would be able to get lucky or not. True, Alex was wearing an incredibly sexy corset ensemble, but maybe the ADA was tired after an entire seven days of nonstop sex? The average person would be... Olivia knew that if it was anyone else, she might want to take a night off as well, but something about Alex always made her body say yes even though her muscles were tired and screamed no. If Alex offered the opportunity, she would jump on it.

"Hey, Alex, do you want to take a shower with me?" Olivia asked cautiously, figuring the request could be taken either way.

Alex shook her head. "No thanks." Olivia's face fell until she added, "because hopefully you're going to ravish me, and it would be a waste to take the shower beforehand..." She gave Olivia a saucy wink as the detective immediately perked up.

"I am? You're not -"

"I'm fine," Alex insisted, pressing a kiss to Olivia's neck before tilting up to give the same treatment to her lips. "I didn't put on this corset for nothing! The only thing that got me through the evening was knowing how much you were going to enjoy my costume at the end of it."

The detective grinned. Knowing her advances were welcome, she reached underneath Alex's billowy white shirt to cup two proud breasts through the material of her corset, which pushed them up and out far more than usual. "I am already enjoying the costume..." she said, enjoying the feel of Alex's nipples pressing against the fabric and into her palms.

"Good," Alex murmured, her body swaying slightly under Olivia's hands as the brunette massaged her through the corset.

"Mmm," Olivia hummed appreciatively as she continued to play with Alex's breasts. "I really, really, really like this part of the costume."

Alex laughed and leaned forward to capture Olivia's lips in a light, teasing kiss that was full of promises. "I thought you might."

Olivia let her hands drop from the mounds she'd been playing with to trace the body of the corset, luxuriating in the textures of lace and satin under her fingertips as she skimmed over Alex's stomach. "I want to see," she murmured as she hooked her fingers under the hem of Alex's billowy shirt.

Alex obligingly lifted her arms and allowed Olivia to lift the white top off over her head. Once the shirt was off her body she took a step back to give her lover a better view. "You like."

Olivia nodded slowly. "I definitely like. Does the rest of the outfit match?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," Alex teased as she stepped back in to Olivia and wrapped her arms around the detective's neck.

Olivia chuckled softly as she leaned in to kiss Alex's smiling lips. She wasted no time deepening the kiss and thrusting her tongue between open, welcoming lips to stroke and dance and duel with Alex's. She kissed the blonde hungrily, her need skyrocketing with each brush of tongues and with every shared, panted breath.

"Mmm," Alex purred when their string of kisses broke and she leaned her forehead against Olivia's.

Olivia smiled and gave Alex a quick, chaste kiss before she ran her hands around the blonde's sides in search of her skirt's zipper. She found it hidden on Alex's left hip and wasted no time opening it so the small black skirt could fall to the ground.

The Bet (Law Order SVU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang