one shot

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Dan and Phil are 4


"C'mon Phil! Please play the princess?" Dan asked, pointing his toy sword at the other. "No, Dan..I don't wanna play the girl." Phil huffed, sitting down on the ground, putting his head in his hands.

Dan looked over at Phil and frowned. Maybe he really didn't want to play the princess. He shuffled over to Phil on his tiny feet and stood over his little form, curled up into a ball on the ground.

"Hey, Phil? I'm sorry...I just really wanted you to play the princess because I am playing the big, strong, knight and I wanted to be able to save you, because that's what knights do...I'm sorry." Dan rambled.

Phil looked up at Dan and smiled. "It's okay, Bear. You're still my best friend." Phil said with a smile. Dan smiled back and then his eyes lit up.

"Phil! I have an idea! Why don't we both play the big strong knight! We can be an evil-fighting duo and we won't need any girls slowing us down!" Dan said, overjoyed with his idea.

"Yeah!" Phil said. "That'll be great!"

Dan and Phil only really played with each other. They didn't really like any of the other kids from the neighborhood, because all the girls where boring and all the boys wanted to do was play football. Phil never really liked football, ergo Dan didn't either. They thought that they didn't really need any of the other kids, and in all honesty, they didn't really want to be with anybody else.



Dan and Phil are 5


"No, Miss! I want to sit with Dan!" Phil almost shouted at their kindergarten teacher. She sighed. They always did this! Every single day, non-stop! It was 'no i wanna sit by Phil!' or 'please let me sit by Dan!'

"No, Phil, sweetie, why don't you sit by Janie-" She was cut off by Phil's voice. "Janie's not Dan. Please, Miss. I want to sit by Dan!" Phil said. He was practically hanging off Dan by now, his tiny little arms wrapped around Dan's torso. Dan had his arms wrapped around Phil's torso, too.

"Please let me sit by Phil, Miss. Please?" Dan pouted, giving their teacher big puppy dog eyes. "Please?" Phil squeaked, and their teacher gave in.

"Fine, j-just leave me alone. Please." She said with a sigh.

Dan and Phil smiled triumphantly at each other as they made their way back to their seats. "We did it, Bear!" Phil whispered to Dan and he nodded, smiling as big as the sun.



Dan and Phil are 7


"Hey Dan! Dan!" Phil yelled from across the street. He had finally found Dan. He had been looking everywhere for him ,in all of their favorite spots. The library, the creek, the woods. Nothing.

Phil saw him across the street being dragged by his father. His father had his big hand clamped down on Dan's little wrist, and Dan was crying.

Phil made his way over to them. "Hey, Dan? Are you alright?" He asked, very worried.

Dan's eyes said that he wasn't. Get out of here before he hurts you. "Oh, yeah! I'm fine. Uh. Phil, I don't think i can play today." Dan squeaked out, fear lacing his voice.

Phil nodded and watched as Dan was dragged into his house, very violently, by his father. Phil watched while the door slammed shut behind him. Phil listened as he heard Dan scream and cry. He listened while he heard Dan's mother's screams, and he listened while he heard loud thumps whilst he heard Dan's father stringing together more swears than Phil had ever heard in his 7-year-old life. Phil just wished he knew what was going on. He was so confused by everything that had happened that day.

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