Royal Moth: Part 1

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Most say how they wish they were out of their old homes, to explore the lands or be free. When we find our homes unable to hold us any longer, whether it be through danger or something else, we seek exploration. Well, that is exactly what I have achieved. 

Today, I went out to the town square. I was out with my mother and our little brother, going off to sell our clay lamps. We built them last night, and were sure someone might purchase it.

"Chand! Do you think they'll like the duck I made?" My little brother held out a piece of clay. It was hard to tell if it was a duck or a piece of jelly. He asked again, "Will they?"

I chucked a bit, and pat his head. "I don't know, Fergus. But, I'm sure they'll love it." I laughed and put his clay duck into the lamp pile. We then set up our station, and started to sell our wares.

A slow day, nonetheless. Not many people wanted lamps, since it had yet to be wintertime. A few non-humans would pass through to inspect our wares, but most passed us up after seeing the jeweler next door to ours. However, we had one customer who interested me greatly: a moth man.

The moth man was followed by two guards, so he must've been very important. He held up one of the lamps I made, and bonked his face against it, slightly rubbing it. "How... beautiful. Such fine talent, such exquisite work. How many of these do you have?"

I was surprised. No one ever saw our lamps as beautiful. "Uh... We have about fifteen lamps for about three bronze each." I started fumbling my hands a bit. "...You said they were beautiful?"

"Of course!" He pulled out a bag of money. "I haven't seen such fine craftwork in a long time when it comes to lamps! Tell me, boy, did you make them all?" He suddenly picked up my hands, and started feeling them. His were so soft to the touch, it was like caressing a sheep.

"I... uh... Yes, I did. I did make them all. Except for that duck one, my little brother made it." I felt like I was melting. Hearing his voice was like pouring silky honey into my ears, the touch of his hands were like heaven. ...Wait, am I gay for a non-human? No, I couldn't be. This is just a customer, nothing more and nothing less.

He chuckled, and pat Fergus on the top of his head, giving him a small smile. He set down a money bag, and it spilled out hundreds of little gold coins. "This is more than the price you stated, but I think it would be worth it to spend so much on these beautiful lamps." He looked over to my mother, who was awe-struck at all the gold before her. "Tell me, lady. May I take your boy to my home? I would love to have such a wonderful lamp maker close at hand."

My mother was shocked. "Take my boy? But, who will help me with everything? Plus, he needs to stay here to help continue the family business! You can't just take him!" She picked up the bag of coins. "I'm sorry, sir, but I won't allow you to take my little Chandler."

I felt a beating in my chest. What was I going to do? Then, he pulled out a second bag of money, and dropped it on the table. "Ma'am, I will personally come everyday to drop some money off at your home if you allow me to take him. Plus, you can take this time to teach your younger one how to make more lamps as well. I want your Chandler in my home."

"Sir, I have already told you, no-" My mother began. I immediately jumped over the counter to him. "Chandler?!"

"Mister, I'd be glad to go with you. Please, just keep your promise on supplying my mother with money in exchange for my absence at home. I'm willing to go!" I was practically begging him to take me. I love my family and all, but I want something more than just a small home in a lamp shop. Plus, this man can provide for my family when I can't! It's perfect!

The moth man chuckled, and rubbed my head. "Then  it's all made up." He suddenly picked me up in his arms, almost as if I was a bride on a wedding day. "Ma'am, I will come and supply your home with money every day at noon. In the meantime, teach your young boy how to make more lamps." He smiled, and started walking away with me in his arms. I stared back at my mother, who was tearing up. Fergus had no idea what was happening, he couldn't understand.

"Where is your home?" I asked. "You seem very important to have guards with you." I started to snuggle into his chest while awaiting his answer.

The moth man seemed shocked. "You don't know who I am? I thought it was obvious!"

"No, I have no idea." I said reluctantly.

He laughed a bit, and pat my head. "Well, my name is Prince Lothaire Archibald, the heir to the throne of the Sonian Dynasty. I thought you would know something like that!"

I was even more surprised. Everything was finally adding up. "No, I didn't. Not many people of your kind visit our village. We barely get a few non-humans in the village in general." While I was talking, I was put into an intricate carriage. The guards hung on the sides of the carriage, elegantly standing guard while it was just myself and Lothaire.

"No wonder! You seemed so surprised to see me."  He pinched my cheek. I blushed a bit. "Oh... You've glowed up a bit. Was that wrong?"

"No, no! It's fine." I rubbed my cheek. "I'm just not used to so much affection. It's not normal at home."

"Affection? I had yet to truly be affectionate towards you!" He laughed a bit. "Though, I suppose it is a change for you. You're human, after all." He stared through the window of the carriage. "We'll be there soon.  I hope you'll enjoy our home." He held my hand, and I blushed even more. 

I decided to look out the window to see where we were going, and I was surprised. It was a whole forest kingdom, with little lights around. A few of the moth people would bump into them, but laugh and continue their day. A few would look into the carriage, and wave at Lothaire, but then gasp upon seeing me. I... started to feel out of place quickly. But, the land was so beautiful that I couldn't help but stare even more than feel bad about myself.

Was I truly going to live here with the moth prince?

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