Jeff The Killer - The true story

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Well Mum and Dad where fighting... Again, and I don't mean shouting at each other I mean physically fighting.

Well more like my Dad beating my Mum up, you see my Dad was violent and an alcoholic. He would wake up at about three in the afternoon and go drinking all day. Then he would come home later in the evening to beat up my Mum.

As usual I was hiding in my bedroom with my younger brother Liu, who was crying into my white hoodie. I was trying to calm him down tell him everything was alright. But he knew just as well as I did that nothing was alright, it never was.

Suddenly I started to hear the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs and my Mum crying for my Dad to stop and to get her instead.

I panicked "Liu get under the bed" I ordered he did as I said without hesitation, as my Dad barged into my room.

He slowly swayed his way towards me, his breath smelled strongly of alcohol.

"What what do you want?" I said, trying to sound tough but failing as I heard my voice crack.

He growled. But his attention soon turned to under the bed where Liu was hiding.

He quickly grabbed Liu and pulled him out from under the bed.

"And what are you doing, hiding from your old Dad?" He slurred.

Suddenly I felt something snap inside of me, I launched at my Dad, big mistake, he was a lot stronger than me and easily pinned me down.

He raised an arm and gave a blow to my right cheek.

He raised his arm but this time I rolled to the side and his fist hit the floor instead.

I took my chance and ran towards the bathroom.

My dad was now running after me shouting "Get back here you little shit".

As soon as he entered the room I swung the towel rack at him, but missed. He pinned me to the back wall and kicked me repeatedly until I was crying on the floor begging for him to stop.

Then he grabbed the bleach and threw it on me. I screamed but the worst was yet to come...

He grabbed a lighter and threw it at me, I howled in agony as I sent alight I ran out of the bathroom and fell down the stairs doing so. That was all I remember before everything went black...




I woke up to the slow beep of a machine. I opened my eyes but I could not see a thing. Something was strapped around my face. I tried to pull whatever it was on my face off but needles were stuck in my hand.

Someone must noticed me moving because I soon heard footsteps coming to my side.

" Jeff honey, I am a nurse in this ward. You suffered serious damage, mainly to your face. We need to keep the bandages on for a while longer "

I then remembered everything "My Mum, my Brother... Are they ok" I asked the nurse.

"Yes they are fine my college went to get them when you woke up.

Just as she said that I heard a door open and Liu's voice " Jeff, your ok!"

"Yeah I'm fine, wait what happened to Dad?!"

"Someone heard the shouting and rang the police, they arrived soon after you passed out.... I'm so sorry this happened to you Jeff" said Mum

"So Dad got arrested?" I asked

"Yes Jeff, we can finally be a family again" even though I couldn't see her I knew she was crying with joy...




Finally the day came where I could take of my bandages. The nurse helped me walk to the mirror, my legs weak from lack of use.

She untied the bandages from the back of my head and the bandages fell to the floor.

Mum and Liu both gasped in unison and I slowly opened my eyes to see what had become of my face.

What I saw shocked me... My face was bleached a pure white and my former dark brown hair had turned black.

I was so shocked I didn't know what to do so I just laughed.

"Jeff are you ok" said Liu

"Yes I'm-" suddenly I fell to the floor, I couldn't breath. I freaked out trying to grap something, anything to stop this drowning feeling.

Then I felt three pairs of hands help me to the bed.

I heard the nurse speak "Jeff, listen to me, your having a panic attack just do everything I say and you will be ok-"




After I recovered from my panic attack the hospital gave me back my clothes consisting of my white hoodie, black jeans and black converse.

We left the hospital and drove home, as soon as we got home me and Liu played video games as always.




Eventually it was nine and I went to bed I was really tired I couldn't even be bothered to get dressed into pajamas or even take of my shoes. I just climbed bed into bed and fell asleep...

I woke up to someone screaming. I shot up but no sooner than I had I saw my Dad walk into my room, knife in hand.

He walked up to me and said "aww, why the sad face why don't you smile for me?'

Them he ran up to me pinning me to the wall. I struggled but I couldn't get out of his grip.

He then pressed the knife to the side of my face carving what seemed to be a smile into my cheeks.

".... Now lets finish you of like I did the others" he chuckled.

Something snapped when he said that, with new found strength I grapped the knife out of his hand and stapled it into the back of his kneck.

He took a few big gulps of air before he collapsed and stopped breathing altogether.

I then ran out into the hallway to see my Mum on the floor multiple stab wounds on her back.

"No, no this can't be...' I said in tears.

Then I remembered Liu, I ran to his room only to see the most horrifying thing I will ever witness.

My brother, my beloved brother. The person I stayed alive for, the person I cared for more than anyone was lying there like my mother stabbed to death.

I held his frail, cold body in my arms and cried...




Everyone has to feel this pain I will not let myself be the only one... If I don't get you I will get your family, your friends. I will destroy you break you down until there is nothing left but a broken soul... this is my goal you aren't safe, you never where...

-Jeffery Woods

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