Hon hon baguette

21 2 5

1) My baes would have to be Brooke (xobrookelynn 'r somethin like that) and Kat (not on this website. Even if she was, why would you need to know her name? Step off, man, step off. Too creepy)

2) I have an older sibling. Brother, name's Dorky mcdork-erpants. 20. in university. Cool stuff.

3) I can crack a whip. Not well, and not many fancy cracks, but I can still do it.

4)  The last thing I drew was some alpaca looking creature with a neon green mohawk. It was a self portrait.

5) Unlike you might see on my profile, I actually write a lot. I do have many wattpad stories going, but I never publish any. I don't know why.

6) Favorite food is mints.

7) Favorite flavor is mint.

8) I dislike toothpaste. Especially mint flavor.

9) Did you know that mints are my favorite past time?

10) This morning I walked to the convienence store in pajamas.

11) Favorite youtuber is Jubyphonic (I introduced it to that nerd brooke.)

12) Favorite vocaloid is either gumi or rin&len (rin and len count as one, right? Well, they should.)

13) I spend my past time watching paint dry or watching anime/reading manga. Neither are productive. Go figure.

14) I dislike school. (Doesn't everyone?)

15) I have a lot of side notes and brackets in this. (Duh.)

16) My cockatiel is a jerk and he's the reason I'm lacking two keys on my keyboard.

17)  Favorite pokemon? ..Shit, nevermind. I can't choose. Cyndaquill and Luxray are both pretty cool though.

18) I have very low self esteem, but somehow my jokes range from "Almost as trashy as me" to "Not as hot as me"

19) I'd say I'm an introvert. Except on the internet. It makes me look like x1000 times cooler than I actually am.

20) Favorite anime is Madoka Magica, which, funnily enough I also introduced to that brooke nerd. Who even is that girl?

21) That nerd brooke girl is literally the cOOLEST person ever. <3

I tag Jade and Robin. You guys know who you are.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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