day 3

14 1 0

Idk why but he was extra annoying and attention seeaker, he would tell me the most random and stupid things. He would steal my paper, pen, pencil from my hands (not that it disturbed me) but I was just trying to do the exercise and he would get my paper and start to "examinate" it...oh, and I was talking to a classmate of mine while he was writing the song he wanted to make us listen at music class and he aggressively steal the paper (that he almost ended up tearing to pieces) and he also canceled the thing that my classmate wrote and obviously while writing the song he wanted us to listen he used my pen that he obviously didn't ask permission to use (he stole it in my face, like I was literally in front of him). And he was talking to the girl I hate and guess what he was flirting with her just to sometimes look back at me and flash me with that devilish smirk of his...while I wanted to kill both...
...and there's this girl, (she's not the pretties...), she's also an ex classmate of mine, they danced on the last year school dance, and she's in our French class and..guess what?! She likes him, she flirt sooooo hard with him and she always look at me as if she's planning a way of killing me, every time he passes by she looks at him so possesivly, I don't even think she likes him I just think that she's just obsesse now.
Ps. I don't have a cure nickname for him but I do like allungate the last letter of his name, example if his name was James I would call him jamesssssss...and he doesn't actually mind :)
Ps. Part.2 so a friend of his said to him that i said that he was mine (I didn't) and he kinda didn't say anything but when a girl started laughing (cause this guy keeped reapiting that I said that he was mine) and he kinda lost it and he almost shouted with a really angry tone "what are you laughing for!?" Or something like that...

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