Empathy Reader

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Dr. Malcom Inters is know at the Empathy Reader. He is know as this because he can feel others feeling extremely well, sometimes without even talking to them. He is a 9th grade English teacher, with a doctorate degree. He loves his job, and he loves his students. Anyone who has him goes to him instead of the normal consolers, because he actually understands, and they know he wont tell anyone.
Melly Wick is in his advanced English class. She is gifted in her works. She is the grammar queen, and she writing on a collage level. She writes from her heart, and she often free writes and lets Dr. Inters read them. He always finds them fascinating. He finds himself wishing she'd talk to him about her life, problems, and goals. Melly is the most open person in her writing outside of it she is a brick wall. Dr. Inters thinks he sees something in it, but he can't be sure, and if he asked she most likely wouldn't give a response. He has tried getting her to open up about her writing inspirations, but she doesn't budge. She responds with sort phases like " Do you like it" or " Long story' and sometimes " I don't know, just came to me". He know she is hiding something, and its not so much he wants to know what it is he just wants to be able to make sure she is ok.
In Dr. Inters class one day she writes a poem about a girl watching butterflies. She open ups a bit and says that she use too watch them. When Dr. Inters asked why she stopped she doesn't answer.
Dr. Inters tries and tries to get Melly to talk to him and she wont.
Two years later Melly is in 11th grade, and she decides to go and show Dr. Inters on of her new stories.
Dr. Inters reads and says " are you ever going to tell me your inspiration?"
Melly states plainly " Maybe, what do you think it is?"
" your not easy to read you know, I have been thinking for sometime that your inspiration comes from you family."
" Ah, but then I'd have a messed up family wouldn't I, considering in most of my stories a kids parents do drugs or drink, sometimes abuse the child? But then again I do write happy things like my butterfly poem, don't I?"
"everyone has happy things in there life"
" They do, I do, I have been excepted to an early scholarship program for extremely unique talents at Julliard."
" That's" Dr. Inters began to stay
" it too bad I can't go" Melly said
"what why?" says Dr. Inters
" My family wont let me leave without someone, and none of them will go"
" That's horrible"
" I want you to come?"
" Why dear I can't just leave"
" Why?"
" I have a job"
" Julliard is looking for counselors" She says begging " Adopt me" Melly pleads
"I don't even have a master in it, they would only except the best"
" You our the best, you help everyone with there issues, and never tell anyone!"
" Oh fine, but what makes you think you parents would let me adopt you?"
" Cause they don't care about anything"
" Alright then lets go see them" He says calmly
" No need too" Melly says full of glee " I am packed, and I have the adoption papers"
" You would" He says laughing
Then he signs the papers, and 3 month later, Melly is going to Julliard and Dr. Inters is working their. They are both save and happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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