The Beginning

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Vienna Gray

I was 3 years old when my parents passed away. I couldn't remember anything about them. The only memories I had were the pictures that hung on my walls.
I looked quite similar to my mum, I had her long black hair and bright blue eyes.

My parents were Death Eaters. I didn't know much about what that meant other than they were bad people. I had been taken in by my parents closest friends, the Zambinis. I had grown up with Blaise and his mother, so they were just like family.

I had just turned 11 when I got my Hogwarts acceptance letter in the mail. I remember how excited Blaise and I were when they arrived. We talked about the adventures we'd go on for hours everyday until it started.

Present Day

"Do have everything packed Vienna?" Yelled Ms. Zambini from the corridor.

"Yes! I'm all ready to go" I replied simply

I was nervous about starting school, I hadn't met any other kids in the Wizarding world besides Blaise. For months Ive been questioning what house Id be in and if I'd fit in the with other students.

"Alright, Let's go kids!" Ms. Zambini said from the bottom of the steps

Blaise and I both approached from our rooms looking at each other. Blaise smiled and I simply smiled back despite my nerves.

After we put the bags in the back of the car we were on our way. Blaise rambled on about how excited he was to finally be starting Hogwarts.

"You've been saying this for months Blaise!" I said to him.

When we arrived at platform 9 3/4 we ran through the wall and it was finally time to go. We both said goodbye to Ms.Zambini and got onto the train.

Blaise and I saw sat in an empty compartment together.

"I wonder what houses we'll be put in." Blaise said excitingly

"If we're anything like our parents we'll be definitely be in Slytherin" I shrugged

As the train started to move forward we waved out of the window to Ms. Zambini one last time. And with that we were off to our first year at Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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