Chapt. 3

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A few months the newborns are now cubs and the cubs are now juveniles. My sister Kopa is now an adult. She hadn't found a mate yet. A couple months later we are aloud to go back home. Same thing as last time. As soon as we are brought back to the outlands everyone is happy. Me and Motah go for a walk. "I remember that rock mother was the one to help me. But she never returned.'' we get deep enough into the pridelands where we hear a voice similar to Motah's mother. We take a peek around the corner and it was her! We sit near hoping that she will come out. And she did. We heard "I'll be back! Im going hunting!" she turns around the corner we then follow her. She turns around and says "excuse me! But why are you two following me!?" me and Motah look at each other "We aren't following you!" Motah yells. Her new mate comes up behind us. "Excuse me, but is there a problem?" me and motah look at each other. "Yeah what's your problem!?" Motah mother yells. Motah finally breaks free. "Its me! Motah! You said you would come back! But you never did! You left me forever! Good thing you're still here. But a mother doesn't leave her cub! What happened to my loving mother? My mother who was loving! Caring! Was a friend of everyone! You're friends miss you! I need you back!'' Motah starts tearing up and her mother nothing. "Motah, I wanted a new life. I was going to come back for you. But I got distracted. This is your new father. Covea." Motah turns around and nods her head in saying hello and she turns around again. "So do I have a mother? Or do I not?" Motah asks and I look at her. I'm scared of the outcome. "You do! Look im sorry! But you're the one who disappeared!'' "Mother it's not my fault! We tried out hiding them but they found us and we were in danger so we were in preservation. I couldn't do anything!'' I stand strong next to Motah. "Oh, Well follow me girls. Covae go hunting." we follow her back to her territory. "This is my small pride. And Motah these are your new siblings Coco,Nyota,Mabaya and also Kusikia.'' Motah smiled. "My name is Motah and this is my best friend Phantom.'' an hour later we go back. '' she introduced us to many more of the members. ''you girls are welcome here anytime!'' We smiled and said goodbye and Motah and her mother nuzzled and we went back to our pride. We think of what Juveniles do. We lay down and talk. As we see the other Juveniles do. We eat dinner and go back laying down and talking. We parted ways as we always did for going to sleep. We made a plan earlier to go to the pridelands. In the middle of the night we get up and I write something in the dirt saying "we are going to the Pridelands. We will be safe and if we are in danger we will run back immediately. Everyone had their adventures and it's now time for ours." The Hyena sister wakes up and comes up to us. "What are you doing!? Its late!" I turn around. "Asikari, we are going to the pridelands. And tell all you want because I put this down for a reason." she smiles and says "good luck you too.'' She does her hyena laughing. We then set off. And as soon as we are out of the pridelands we go by near a river and sleep on a huge rock next to it. The next morning we get up and continue on our adventure. "So what do you think about your mother having a new pride?" I ask. "I don't like it as much. I can't believe I took all of that time thinking she was dead. I don't know if I love her... Well i love her but i don't think that the love is the same. I miss her old self when she was nice and caring of her cub. I guess that she cares about her new cubs more. If she doesn't abon them in a couple years then it's different. I am going to ask her one day, Why did she do what she did? Was she abused by her mother? Did her mother die? Did her mother Abandon her? Why does she hate her sister? I need to find out these things. Can we go back phantom?'' I pause for a second. "Go back? Why? We just got here!" She looks at me with anger. "Because! I want to know these answers, Phantom!" Motah runs back to the pridelands and I chase after her. "Motah wait!" A few minutes later we are in the Outlands. Motah runs to the rock she was abandoned at and she jumps on top of it to rest. "Motah, why did you run!?" I yell. "Because I want answers! Go back to the pride Phantom! I will see you tonight." she yells back. She hops off the rock and trots away. "Fine! See you tonight!" I walk back to the pride. "Phantom is back!" one of the lions shouted. My mother comes running up to me. "Phantom! There you are! Where had you gone?" She says to me. "What do you mean where I had gone? I left a note in the dirt. Did I not?" I reply. "No, there was nothing. Where is Motah?" She asked. "Motha....Motah ran away to go see her mother." I replied to my mother. "Well, good thing you're back. Look out for Motah." My mother walks back to her den. I ran to the prisoners' den. "Hakai! Hakai!"
Hakai looks sick and old. She looks up at me and I see a baby cub? "Oh hi Phantom. I have grown weak and sick. I'm still young but I am sick. As a 12 year old lion who should be healthy I'm not. I was healthy enough to mate with my head soldier and to give birth to a newborn cub. But, I can't take care of it. I should perish any day now. Please take my cub, take care of it Phantom. I trust you more than your mother." I go up to the cub and I pick it up. I was told that I have my own room now and there's not many Juveniles so I kept the newborn beside me. It should start walking in a day or so. A couple days had passed and Motah hadn't been seen. The cub is already walking and a mother lion nurses the cub for me. The cub calls me "mama." I also visit Queen Hakai. But she sadly died overnight. "I have spent the rest of my 4 years here. I have grown sick here. My new mate and his partner were able to leave. But me the queen I am not able to. The lioness that I used to call my best friend is now my enemy and she has won. She made me the aunt of her first cub before she turned against the pride lands. My enemy is the closest to me. My parents called her their other oldest cub. She will become the Queen of my pride. MY PRIDE! She will be the mate of my King. MY KING! My soulmate please wait for me on the other side of this life. Alason wasn't born royal and sure he is strong but he isn't strong as my king. I wonder how he is holding up with our new born then cubs." Queen Hakai looks up at the sky in the entrance of the cave. "Lie with my past family members! As I shall perish, meet you guys there up in the sky. I tried Mother. I tried Father. But they took me hostage. I escaped while they were gone to get food. But they came back and threw me back down here. Oh, here I perish. My newborn cub. Behave. See you soon mom and dad." Hakai closes her eyes and she slowly perishes. The guards carried out her body the next morning. I leave the territory to go get Motah to tell her of the news.

(Not done, But i will keep working on it uwu)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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