When Will I See You Again?

206 6 4

Ray's POV

I stared down at the ground in front of me. Rain hit my back hair, causing the bit of hair in front of my left eye to stick to my face. I glanced to the side, seeing Don and Gilda walking a crying Emma off. I went back to staring at the ground. I clenched my fists, them shaking. I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes tightly. Tears welled up into my eyes. I collapsed onto the wet ground, "D-damn it, you i-idiot." I choked out, my hands gripping at the rain drenched grass.

My tears slid down my face and I lifted up my head to see what was in front of me. There in front of me stood a stone headstone. It read:

Norman 22194
Caring Brother
Best Friend
Loving Boyfriend
March 21 2034-June 5 2055

I coughed a bit from my crying. I took a few shaky breaths and slowly got off of the ground. "When will I ever see you again, idiot?" I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Probably not for another who knows how many years..." I then looked up to the sky. I then looked over my shoulder as I felt a hand get placed onto my shoulder. There stood Norman as if nothing happened to him. But I knew he wasn't actually there. "Everything will be alright, Ray." He spoke to me, giving a light tilt of his head as he gave me a smile.

"Ha... yeah, sure..." I shook my head before looking back to the ground. I turned and began walking out of the cemetery. I watched my feet just guide me anywhere as the rain poured down on me. I looked around a bit and shuddered as I was getting cold from the breeze. I looked around a bit. I spotted a small drug store nearby. I walked over to it and headed inside of it, pushing the door open. I looked around for a small moment before walking over to the refrigerators. I looked through the glass on the outside.

I gave a small sigh and opened one of them, grabbing a drink. I watched as the next drink slid down to take its place. I went and paid for the drink and headed outside. I sighed a little and began walking down to the apartment I had. I walked up the stairs towards apartment 207. I dug in my jacket's pocket and took out the metallic keys. I unlocked the door and trudged into the formerly shared apartment. My jacket slid off my shoulders, then slumped onto the ground with a soft 'thump.'

I then headed over to the light blue sofa and sat back on it. I kicked my brown boots off then laid onto my side. I closed my eyes, thinking back to some times with Norman and I.
It was after we had finally escaped the demons and got to our side of the world, with other humans. Norman looked at me with a bright smile, "We did it, Ray!" he then gave a small laugh. I couldn't help but smile back at him. I gave him a small nod, "Yeah, we did." I spoke softly. He then took hold of my hand, intertwining his fingers with my own. A light heat rose to my face, glancing to the side I held his hand back.
I got up and grabbed my own set of car keys. I miss him. I want to be with him again.

A few months later, we had our first date. Then came our second. Then our third, fourth, fifth, and so on. We eventually decided to make our dating official. We've been dating for a while now. A couple of years.

Then the other day, while out for a date, I asked him to marry me. He said yes.

I miss him.

Then not even three days later. He died. The demons were back and they killed him.

I was in the car. I looked in the back seat. I reached over and grabbed the gun I had used when I was younger. I made sure it was all loaded then I began driving. I glanced to the side and saw the figment of Norman in the passenger's seat.

"Ray, you're not thinking clearly. Stop this." He spoke to me. I clenched the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white as I did. "I am thinking clearly. I know what I'm doing." I said, soon stopping the car. I was in demon territory now. I got out of the car and grabbed the gun. My bare feet getting soaked from the wet ground.

I began walking in the area, finding the nearest demon. I raised the gun and shot it a good few times then watched the body collapse. I looked up and saw more demons heading over, now enraged. I shot a good bit of them down before running out of ammo. I tossed the gun to the side, listening to it thunk against the ground.

I then moved my shirt out of the way of the left side of my neck, revealing the 81194. "Come and kill me! Do it!" I yelled and the demons began to come towards me. Then at once they attacked. I felt their sharp claws beginning to impale parts of me. I grinned and spat out blood as this happened.

That's when I saw it. The light. My heart was beginning to stop and I knew it. I grinned a bit. There was Conney, Mama, Sister Krone, my siblings, and Norman. All standing there, waiting for me. I saw Norman reach his hand out to me along with Mama. I reached my hand out to them, almost touching their hands.

I touched them and they brought me into a hug. I hugged them back before looking at Norman and pulled the albino into a kiss, tears sliding down my face as I did. I pulled away, "I guess you did get to see me again." Norman gave a light laugh. "Yeah..." I nodded then looked below. Emma and them recovered my body, alarms had been going off. I then looked back at Norman and held his hand. We turned and began walking together.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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