chapter 25

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Zaniah POV

I woke up before Sonya did, our dad and papa know that I have an imagery friend and she is nice to me.

Sonya POV

Wakes up slowly seeing Zaniah awake again before me, like always and I don't mind at all.

Suri POV

I saw sissy awake so then I went to her before daddy or papa came up to cuddle with us and change our diapers, then we all went to go eat breakfast.

Timmy POV

Yukivich and I went to cuddle with our two babies since they are up, so after we all cuddle we went to go eat.

Yukivich POV

Afterwards breakfast was over, so then we all went to watch TV in the frontroom.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and please comment and vote if you enjoyed the story

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