A Snake In trouble

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Summary: A cute little snake hurt ficlet. Crowley's got himself into a bit of a jam, but luckily Aziraphale is always there to help him out.

A/N: Prompts from @cuips-not-cute on tumblr. "Quit asking me how I got stuck up here and just catch me." and "Can you stop playing connect the dots with my freckles?"

Aziraphale was sitting in his chair drinking some hot cocoa reading a book, when his phone rang. He picked up, a little annoyed someone would be calling at this late hour. "I'm sorry we are quite definitely closed."

"Aziraphale. It's me." Aziraphale was greeted by a very familiar voice.

"Oh Crowley. I wasn't expecting a call from you."

"Well. I got myself into a bit of a jam. Could perhaps come help me out." Crowley sounded a little embarrassed.

"Well of course. Where are you? I'll come immediately. Do I need to bring some holy water? Are you in danger?" Aziraphale started panicking at all the horrible possibilities Crowley could have gotten himself into.

"No. It's nothing like that. Just some minor inconvenience, nothing to be worried about." Crowley said, calming the angel's fears.

"Oh okay. Where are you?"

"Um. I think I'm on top of Big Ben. But I'm not entirely certain."

"On the top of Big Ben? How in the world did you get up there?"

"It's not important. Could you just get down here. It's starting to get a bit chilly up here."

"Oh alright. I would like an explanation." The line went dead. Aziraphale put down the phone. He thought about maybe taking the bus, or a cab, but he decided it would be faster just to miracle himself there. So he snapped his fingers and he was suddenly standing a little way off from Big Ben. He looked up and saw a snake up at the very top of the steeple. There appeared to be several birds circling the snake.

Aziraphale rolled his eyes. The angel miracled up a some cans on strings between the angel and the snake.

"Angel, thank goodness you are here. Please help me get down."

"How in the world did you get yourself up there. And what's up with the birds?"

"Quit asking how I got stuck up here and just catch me." Crowley snapped. And then Aziraphale watched in horror as the snake lept from the spire and started soaring through the air towards him. He looked like he was flying. Aziraphale would have chuckled at the irony, if he was not trying to position himself so that he could catch the flying serpent.

He opened his arms and the snake landed rather forcefully inside his arms. The black and red snake was a fairly good size, and was a little heavier than the expected. Aziraphale didn't mind the extra weight, but he was very concerned about the well being of a snake that just flew through the air.

"Are you alright, dear boy?" He tried to check over the snake, but it wriggled and started slithering around him. It situated itself so that his head was resting on his shoulder, right by his ear.

"I'm good, angel. Let'ss get back to the booksshop, before thosse birdss come back." Crowley whispered into his ear, his hissing a little more pronounced.

Aziraphale nodded his agreement. He took note of the people giving him looks, and he walked to a more private area, before miracling himself and his snake back to the bookshop.

He held his arm out and let the snake slither down his arm onto the couch, where it then turned into a bright red haired demon wearing very tight black trousers.

"Now are you going to explain what you were doing at the very top of Big Ben?" Aziraphale asked as he sat himself on his chair, across from Crowley.

Crowley stretched himself out on the couch, "I was enjoying a slither through St. James' Park, when some birds came out of nowhere and picked me up. When I tried to wriggle free they dropped me on Big Ben, and wouldn't stop trying to take pecks at me." He reached his arms up over his head and winced.

Aziraphale sat up, concerned. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. S'nothing to be worried about." He tried to relax, and look nonchalant, but Aziraphale had known his friend long enough to know something was bothering him.

Aziraphale walked over to the demon. "Show me what's wrong."

Crowley sat up. "It's really nothing to be worried about. I'll be fine." Aziraphale just raised his eyebrow. Crowley let out a sigh, and lifted his shirt. He had a rather good gash on his side, it was bleeding, but didn't look too deep. Aziraphale went into his kitchen, and grabbed a cloth, which he whetted down with some warm water, and also grabbed some bandages.

He sat down next to Crowley. "I'm going to need you to remove your shirt. I need to clean and dress your wound."

"Angel, you really don't need to do that. I'll be fine. I can miracle it away." Crowley tried to argue, but a touch of pink on his cheeks wasn't unnoticed by the angel.

"No buts. Take off your shirt." Crowley grumbled, but complied and slipped off his black shirt. Aziraphale tried not to notice the lean frame of the demon. He could see the muscles in his back clench as he started to gently clean the wound.

Crowley tried to argue, but Aziraphale simply shushed him and kept working. Sometimes the demon would hiss in pain, but otherwise he stayed still and let the angel take care of him. Aziraphale knew he liked the attention, but would not admit to it.

"There you are. All better." Aziraphale said as he finished wrapping the wound up.

Crowley shifted uncomfortably. "Thanks, I guess."

"It was really no trouble, dear boy." Aziraphale said and he gave in to the temptation to reach his hand out and gently touched Crowley's back. Crowley stiffened at his touch, but as Aziraphale gently started rubbing, he relaxed. They stayed silent like that for a few minutes, before Crowley broke the silence.

"Can you stop playing connect the dots with my freckles?"

Aziraphale lifted his fingers. "Oh sorry. I got carried away."

Crowley turned and smiled, "It's alright, angel. I don't mind that much. You're the reason I have all those freckles anyway."

Aziraphale blushed, and quickly moved to change the subject. "You should probably get some rest. Got to have you in tip top condition, so I can thwart your wiles." Aziraphale stood up and moved to leave the room.

"Don't go angel." Crowley reached out his hand and gently caught Aziraphale. "I.. er would like it if you stayed. Can't be left to fend on my own in this condition."

Aziraphale smiled fondly at the demon's poor attempt to ask him to stay. "I wasn't going to leave. I was going to grab us some cocoa, and maybe sit awhile and read my book."

Crowley laughed sheepishly, and let go of his fingers. "Oh, alright then. That sounds nice."

Aziraphale smiled, and brought back two cups of cocoa, with marshmallows. He handed one to Crowley and set his on the table. Crowley took a sip of his, before setting his on the table as well. He settled himself on his side and closed his eyes, while Aziraphale started reading aloud about a feisty young maiden, Miss Elizabeth Bennett.

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