Chapter Five

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Y/n: fine but you have to promise not to tell anyone, not even Hotch. Basically...

You hold everything that happened in the video footage, trying to hold back the tears of witnessing your brother's maybe death. It's had only just occurred to you that you might of just seen Tony die.

S. R.: Damn, are his family there? Have you spoke to them yet?

This killed you even more inside, knowing what really happened to your dad and Maria.

S. R.: Y/n, you still there?
Y/n: hmm? Oh yeah um his parents were murdered when he was younger by some terrorist group called Hydra, he has no family left. But I spoke to his team and they are basically are his family and apparently nobody doesn't know nothing about each other. I spoke to Clint-
S. R.: Clint?
Y./n: oh I mean Clint Barton aka Hawkeye, he's a acher on the Avengers team, he was one the original members of the avengers and was with SHEILD before hand. But what I was saying was we spoke as he flew the Quinjet, he said him and Natasha Romnoff aka Black Widow, another original avengers member and pervious SHEILD agent, said they had a theory of where and who he was meeting, the belive he has been having a secret love affair for a while with Bruce Banner aka The Hulk, original member of the avengers, before he was a scientist with many PhD's, you would like him spence.
S.R.: Have you been able to talk to Mr Banner and confirm their relationship?
Y/n: No, not yet. A member showed me to my room and I decided to call you.
S.R.: Okay I'll do my own research and I'll call you if I find anything and you continue with interrogating/talking with the Avengers, specially Mr Banner
Y/n: Alright, please don't tell the team, I don't want to get kicked off the case or any of you get hurt if it turns dangerous
S.R.: I promise Y/N, but promise me you'll be careful, I know what kind of enemies these Avengers fight, I don't want you getting hurt I love you too much
Y/n: aww Spencey I love ya too-
S.R.: no Y/N, you don't get understand, I-I'm in love with you

You smile grew wide as you both were about to admit you had feelings for each other

Y/n: haha Dr Spencer Reid, I don't think you know how long I've been waiting to hear thoes words, I love you to-

All of a sudden Nat and Wanda came crashing threw your door, Nat said "Hey Y/N, we have that-" you quickly turned around to point out you were on the phone and she quickly corrected herself. "oh I'm sorry, Agent L/n we have a interrogation room set up for you, if you would like to follow us when your ready we will wait outside" they both mouthed 'sorry' and waited outside for your bedroom.

Y/n: I'm sorry Spence, I've got to go. Love you too

And with that you quickly ended the call and grab your blazer and left. You put your blazer on as you closed your door to turn around to see a smiling Nat and Wanda. "Sooooo" Wanda dragged out, "so what?" you replied, acting like you didn't know what they wanted to talk about, you began to walk over to the lift ad the followed behind you like puppy dogs. "Oh you know what, who was that on the phone?" Wanda laughed out, "oh um just someone on the team at the BAU"
"no no no, colleagues don't just say 'I love you' over the phone like that" Nat spoke, "Come on tell us, we won't tell the team if that's what your worried about"
You all walked into the lift you pressed the button for the top floor, as the lift began to move Nat quickly pressed a button to stop the lift in between a floor, they block the exit and buttons. "right you are telling us who that is or we stay here"
"come on stop messing around, I need to interview Banner" you spoke seriously, Wanda said "No we wanna know about this mystery man of yours, you used to tell us everything"
You sighed, it's not that you don't want them to know, you wanted to tell them everything about Spencer but you could afford mixing the avengers and BAU together specifically if the BAU/FBI found out Hydra experiments on you which caused your powers or avengers enemies find out about your other family, you would be able to cope with yourself if something happened to them.
"Fine, I wasn't lying that the person on the phone was from my BAU team, his name his Dr Spencer Reid, he is a genius with a IQ of 187 and read 20,000 words per minute. I've liked him for a while now but he showed no interest in me but then four months ago we started talking more and going out these little unofficial dates and flirting, well the only way spence flirts is with facts, which is hard to tell the difference from normal Spencer but I could tell it was him flirting because it was how he was like when Maeve was around, plus I am a FBI profiler. Oh when Fury and Maria came to pick me up at Quantico, I was waiting for the lift to go meet fury at the Quinjet and he kissed me and not like one little peck on the cheek, like a full on kiss... I really really like him" just as you said that, you look back up at the two to see them standing in awe. "He sounds perfect Y/N" Wanda spoke softly and pulled you in for a hug as she said "You deserve some happiness, after everything you've been through" Referencing to Strucker and loosing your parents and now this.

The lift dinged at your floor, Nat must of pushed a button while Wanda hugged you. "Okay enough with the soft shit, we'll wait down the opposite side of the hallway while you talk to banner, he should be in there waiting for you okay?" Nat said changing the topic. You nodded and walked in the right direction. You got to the door and opened it to see a Bruce Banner stanfing nervously out a window, you were on the top floor.

"Well if it isn't Mr Bruce Banner"...

A/N: ite lads and lass, enjoy Chapter Five. Sorry I haven't updated more recently, schools been mad. If you think I need to improve on/add anything to the story line just comment

P. S. Just imagine the image at the top has been your outfit the whole time, but loose the vest add a blazer and black heels when your not in the field xxx

The White Light: Marvel x Reader x Criminal MindsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora