Chapter VII

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Lucas pov

I felt dread consume me as I trudged down the hall to history. Why? Why did I have to get Mr. Abadoca for history? Why couldn’t I have gotten Mrs. Kelly instead? As I walked up to the closed door I sucked in a breath. Trying to prepare myself for what was to come, I started taking deep even breaths..... Oh forget this, who was I kidding besides myself. No one felt the wrath of Mr. A and got away unscathed.

Finally gathering enough confidence, I grabbed the doorknob and wrenched it open. Mr. Abadoca looked up and I immediately got the death glare.

“Mr. Smith, you’re late.”

Well it was a good thing to know he was cutting me some slack. After all the only reason I was late was because I had run into Collin, Jordan’s boyfriend and he asked me where she was. After I explained to him what happened, I had run to the bath room, and cried for 15 minutes.

“Yes sir, I know.”

“And why are you late?” he said emphasizing the ‘why’.

Was he really going to make me stand up here and explain to the whole class that my sister had been kidnapped over the weekend and I was upset and missed her? …Well I guess so.

“Because I was in the bathroom, sir.” I said, starting to lose patience with him.

“And what where you doing in there Mr. Smith?” he replied snarky.

I was so tempted just to yell out ‘taking a piss’ but I refrained and instead answered honestly,

“I was crying, sir.” 

I wiped my raw puffy eyes absentmindedly and winced right after.

"Why were you crying in the bathroom Mr. Smith?"

 He looked as if he was almost enjoying my pain. That was when I completely lost my charitable like demeanor and just screamed at him,


Everyone dropped what they were doing and just starred. Mr. Abadoca sat back looking startled for a moment but then regained his composure and looked furious.

“Don’t you ever take that tone with me again boy. Do you understand me?” He said to me in a fierce yet calm voice, “I am your superior-“

But I didn’t hear the rest. I just turned on the balls of my feet and ran back down the hallway to the councilor. Mrs. grieve would understand. She had been there for me with dad. She had taken me and Jordan under her wing. Sometimes I would even go to her just to get out of history and we would just sit there and talk. But I would still be excused because I was with the counselor. I thought her name was kind of ironic though. Mrs. Grieve the grievance/guidance counselor. 

When I finally arrived at her door I just went straight in and didn’t bother knocking. She looked up from her desk frightened but fright quickly turned to concern when she saw the tears freely flowing down my face.

“Oh Luke, come here,” she half told half commanded me, “come tell me what’s wrong.”

Obviously David has conveniently forgotten to inform the school about, as put he it, Saturday's mishap. Or at least that’s how he described it.

Luckily she didn’t have any other kids in there.

I began my tale, not even trying to contain my emotions. I told her how I hated David, and how it was entirely my fault that Jordan was kidnapped.

She sighed and pulled me into a hug. I just leaned into it needing it desperately, and cried. I just kept crying. Finally she pulled away and told me,

“It’s not your fault they took her. There was nothing you could have done. Don’t worry we will get her back.” As she said that a slight smile appeared on her face.

I nodded gratefully at her words of encouragement. Then I suddenly felt exhausted. As if she noticed my sudden change in mood, she told me I should go lay down for a little. I graciously accepted her offer,  went ,and laid down on one of her three counselor chair things. I sank into it and recalled a few other times I had been in here; with dad, or when mom got engaged to David, and now this.

Jordan will be fine. She has to be. If she’s not, I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive myself….

 And with that final thought, I was consumed by the blackness of sleep.



so guess what this was number 290 on adventure and we havent even gotten to the adventure yet whooop whooop oh ya happy days are here again lol i was dancing around my kitchen and i suddenly dropped to all fours and proclaimed myself to be a spitting alpaca named gilbert lol my parents thought i was like high or something haha

                                                    until nextime my lovelies,




(but only if you think i deserve it)

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