Presenting Rosemary Wind- singer of murderous ballads

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"Heard it?" James asked, popping his head in the dorm. "We've got a new student."

"Now? Why? Everything started yesterday. He could've come in the Hogwarts express with the rest of us." Remus frowned at his new found friend.

"That's a really weird statement. I mean, did you foresee it was a he?" "It's not?" "No. A girl. Pretty, they say. Not like that Evans girl, though. George Davies from Ravenclaw told me that her father didn't like her 'mingling' with the rest of us. That he thought this was a mannerless school, and that she's better off not coming here. Go figure." James shrugged.

"Is she interesting?" Sirius asked, rumpling a neatly folded shirt. "What?" "I asked, is she interesting? Has she got a snotty nose, a pimply face ,etc. etc.? Any distinguishing feature?"

"She's not a wildlife plant." Remus said, feeling amused. "Let's go and take a look at this very boring girl without a pimpled face." Sirius said, getting up. "Peter? Coming?" No answer. The first day's exhaustion had made Peter crash. "No, I see." James grinned. "Fine." They trooped out, feeling odd. Frank Longbottom, a boy a few years their senior, smiled at them.

"Heard about young Rose Wind? She's the talk of the common room. She's been sorted into Gryffindor. Her father's Andrew Wind. Maybe you've heard about him, Sirius. My mother told me that he keeps to himself. Apparently, there's something fishy about the girl's mother."

"Yes, I've heard my father mentioning him. Doesn't come to any parties." Sirius looked slightly discomfited to mention his parents.

"Well, we're off, Frank. Go see this young Rose." Remus said, smiling. They walked to the girls dorm.

"McKinnon! McKinnon!" Sirius shouted. "What, Black?" "Heard the new girl's come. Where's she? Where's she from? Who's she? Spill the dirt, McKinnon." "She's right here." A soft voice, mocking and high called. The owner of the voice stepped up from behind Marlene. She was pale, her skin very fair and with a slight sheen, like a pearl. Her hair, in contrast, was very dark, inky black, tumbling down her shoulders. Her face drew attention, all sharp angles and large eyes, the irises a startling blue. When she smiled, her lips twisting slightly, they noticed that on the left side of her face, there was something like a watermark, in the shape of a leaf.

"Uh, hello." Remus said, ever the silver tongued devil with the ladies. "Indeed. Hello. You were asking a lot of questions. What about? Me?" Her voice had an accent, tumbling vowels over the words. Welsh.

"Who else? The boy next door?" Sirius asked, raising an eyebrow. "Rude, aren't you, long face?" "What?" "Long face. Also, long hair." "Look who's talking about rude. The pot calling the kettle black." "In this case, actually Black." said James, adding an emphasis on the word. Remus laughed, to defuse the tension. Curse Sirius for being so rude. It didn't help matters that the new girl was almost equally rude.

"And the answer to your questions. I'm Rosemary Wind. I'm from Wales. And no I, unlike you, have no dirt to spill." "So confident? Some say pride before fall, princess." "It isn't pride if you are naturally good at it, sweetie." She gave him a leering smile. "Don't pick fights, Rosemary." Marlene said, her eyebrows furrowing. "Those boys are really obnoxious." "Exactly. Which is why we don't pick fights with McKinnon. And you aren't making much of an impression." James grinned, determined to make this girl see who the show offs were in this school. She was new, after all. She had to be bullied.

"Rydych chi wir yn llawn ohonoch chi'ch hun, onid ydych chi?" "What?" "I merely commentated upon your outrageous arrogance. And I don't like people who show off. I'm the only show off this school needs." With that startling statement, Rosemary Gwynt swished away, loudly singing.

"Why does your sword so drip with blood?
And why so sad are ye, O?'
'O, I have killed my hawk so good,
Mother, mother:
O I have killed my hawk so good:
And I had no more but he, O.'

'Your hawk's blood was never so red,
Edward, Edward:
Your hawk's blood was never so red,
My dear son I tell thee, O.'
'O, I have killed my red-roan steed,
Mother, mother:
O, I have killed my red-roan steed,
That once was so fair and free, O.'

'Your steed was old, and we have got more,
Edward, Edward:
Your steed was old, and we have got more,
Some other evil ye fear, O.'
'O, I have killed my father dear,
Mother, mother:
O, I have killed my father dear,
Alas! and woe is me, O!'

"That," Sirius said, looking scared. "is without doubt the creepiest person I have ever met. Not only is our new addition a strangely arrogant idiot, she is also a singer of murderous ballads. We should go, Remus, James. Tell Peter."

They bid adieu to Marlene, who was standing there, looking oddly forlorn, eager to tell the rest of the common room about the extraordinarily annoying Rosemary Wind.

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