9. Never Again

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Molly's POV

My eyes fluttered open. I didn't remember anything from the night before. Carl was with me, so I knew I was safe. There were walker alarms set up around us, but, no fire or anything. The last thing I remembered was hugging Carl.

"Did I fall asleep?" I asked, under my breath.

"Morning," Carl sounded sleepy. I plopped his hat on his head for him.

"My dad is going to murder me!" I sighed, "It will probably be an accident." We both started laughing.

"I might be exiled!" Carl shouted sarcastically.

"May I ask about your mom?" I asked curiously.

"Only if I can ask about yours," I agreed with him.

"Her name was Lori Grimes. She died giving birth to Judith," He paused, "I loved her so much. But, she escaped the worst."

"My mom was Kate Dixon. She disappeared two years before all this. That's why my dad took me to Hamilton. We didn't want to be there when they found her body," I started to cry, "Now, I just wanna know if she did make it!" Carl hugged me. It was painful not knowing if my own mother had survived this.


We finally reached the school after a while. Heading inside we say our dad's waiting for us.

"Where the hell did you go?" My dad yelled at me.

"On a run," I told him confidently. I held up a bag if food and clothes.

"All night?" Rick asked.

"Dad, we found her friend and I guess she sorta passed out!" Carl defended us.

"Molly!" My dad yelled, "You ain't ever gonna see Carl ever again!" He slapped me so hard I slammed into the wall. My head was on the floor.

"What the hell!" Carl screamed at my dad.

"Carl, Daryl, calm down!" Rick was getting mad.

I saw blood on the floor. The world was spinning. Suddenly, everything went black.

My eyes opened. A familiar face looked at mine. Long, red hair hung over her shoulders and her hazel brown eyes looked into mine.

"Morning honey," It was my mother.

"What happened?"

"You and Daddy were on the roof again. This time, you fell off."

My dad walked into the room. "Hello Daddy," I greeted him.

"I need to go to work," my mom told me sadly. Something told me not to let her go.

"I love you Mom," I needed her to know.

"I love you too," She kissed my head and then my dad's lips. The door clicked shut.

Soon, we received a phone call reporting her missing. There was a knock at the door. It was my mom. But, she was a walker. She took a chunk of my neck and I fell to the ground.

I jolted awake. Tears rolled down my face as I thought of my mom as a walker, eating me.

"It's okay," Carl was there, I hadn't noticed.


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