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I've been tagged for the first time ever! I think I was tagged by lexi-firestorm, but I don't really understand why I got an email saying I was mentioned and can't find my name anywhere on the chapter... Still, I think that it's really cool! Here it is:

1. I do care about what other people think about me, but not a lot. I care in so much as I don't want to be judged for who I am, but I'm not going to care a lot if you do. I don't really give a flying flip if you want to hate me for my preferences or ideas.

2. Lynn

3. Softball! And I ride a lot.

4. My best friends. And my immediate family. Although, they're all pretty darn important to me. I think all my friends are like family to me.

5. Hannah. Hannah, I don't think you'll ever read this, but if you do, just know that I can never show how much appreciation I have for you for always ticking by me. You are the first person outside of my family to do that for me. Thank you so much for being my buddy.

6. I have a lot of nicknames. I'm going to name the top three I can think of right now. 

a. Blondie 

b. Milford (yes, like the sound) 

c. Lizard Lips (courtesy of my brother. Don't even ask why. I'm still VERY confused by it)

7. That's a good question... I don't know. I'm going to ask Hannah.

Hannah says cute. There you go.

8. she/her

9. Nope! Living that single Junior life. Haven't even ever been asked to a dance... I blame the boys. They're very weak willed. I think only 1/2 of the 10 girls in the Junior class actually got asked to Homecoming last year.

10. a. PRONOUNCIATION. It's English people. A language you grew up with. Please don't lisp the easy nouns and consonants.

b. Grammar. People, it's not difficult. Read your work, and if you know it's not up to par and isn't easily readable, find an editor! Most fan fiction editors do it for free, as far as I'm aware. Heck, I'll edit your stuff! It's a lot easier for someone else to edit your stuff than you. Send it to me! I'm happy to do it!

c. Fidgeting is definitely a pet peeve of mine. It bothers me so much when someone keeps playing with someone that isn't supposed to be played with (like velcro or buttons) and CONTINUES TO DO IT even though you asked politely more than once.

11. I don't think I believe in soulmates, precisely, but I do think there is at least someone out there who won't clash with you. You just need to find them and hope they don't hate you.

12. I am emotional. Very emotional. I just don't ever show it around other people, and don't like to cry. I don't like to cry most of the time because it feels AWFUL. I'd rather just release all of those emotions slowly than cry it out. But, a good cry every once in awhile is kinda nice. You feel relieved afterwards.

13. Awesome. I say awesome way too much. Also, darn. It's my go to curse, I guess. And one of my friends says I say "woman" to her a lot.

14. Eh. I don't feel like posting a pic of myself. I'm not a very photogenic person. My homecoming pics, however, now those are good. You can PM me if you really want to see them.

15. I'm not going to post a pic of someone else that's a real person. However, you can have this AWESOME fan art of Arram Draper/Numair Salmalín (so maybe that counts?...). He's the coolest character EVER. Not many people read Tamora Pierce and then make fanart of him, though. Well, him and a bunch of people who shaped the person he became in the series.

 Well, him and a bunch of people who shaped the person he became in the series

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16. I don't know if I can tag 20 people... I can certainly try though!




















I'm sorry if you didn't want to be tagged... But I did it, so... Have fun! Also, I feel like I haven't tagged all the people I want to tag... My followers, all of you are now unofficially tagged because I wanted to tag all of you but really couldn't.

Tempest out! See y'alls later

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