Chapter Two

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My heart was pounding. After disapparating into the bathroom stall of a muggle bar I'd been to before, I felt paralyzed. The pain in my side was excruciating. I looked down at my shirt. There was a small red stain slowly growing. I lifted up my shirt to reveal that the wound had partially reopened. I should have expected this. Usually after a wound of such severity and depth you wouldn't be allowed to apparate for at least a few weeks. "Damn" I muttered. I wished I could use a spell to close the wound but for all I knew, they could have a trace on my wand. I exited the stall and walked over the sink area. I placed by bag on the counter and opened it, pulling out some of the supplies I had smuggled from the hospital. Healing had never been my strong suit but I had to try. The disinfectant stung and I felt tears pooling in my eyes as I wrapped the bandages around my waist. Once I finished attempting to patch myself up, I finally stopped to think about where I could go. I couldn't go home to my flat or tell my family otherwise they might be targeted. I couldn't return to my boss or the Ministry either, any one could be behind the contract torture and killing of muggle-borns. I was truly alone.

Just then, I heard the door start to open. I quickly hid in one of the stalls and crouched on the toilet so my feet would be hidden. I was in too much pain to attempt to disapparate again. I pulled my wand out, trying to prepare myself for whatever or whoever might have found me. I heard one set of footsteps enter the bathroom. "Colloportus" I heard a male voice whisper. Fuck. Someone had found me and locked me in. Trapped. Not my favorite place to be. "Y/N? Y/N it's me, your Healer, Draco Malfoy" I was stunned. Draco Malfoy had some how followed me from the hospital. I jumped down and exited the stall, wand still drawn at the ready.

"How did you find me?" I asked. "It's a new hospital protocol, your assigned Healer places a small 'DNA trace' on you. It's like the Appare Vestigium tracking spell but with a twist We started it with memory loss patients who would find their wands and try to leave the hospital before they were ready. If they managed to get out, we would be able to find them before too much damage could be done. It was so effective it was instituted for all patients as a safety precaution." He said calmly. I paused, trying to decide if he was lying to me. I decided this seemed like a probable answer. "Second question, why are you following me? Did I not tell you that death would befall you if you did something like this" I questioned seriously. "Yes," he chuckled. "The group of dark wizards that stormed in the moment you disapparated made that pretty clear" he said. "See," I said "that's proof. Now get out of here before I hex you into the next century."

He put his hands up defensively. "Look I just want to help you. Why did you give a fake name when you checked in?" "You still haven't answered my question, why are you following me?" I said again, taking a step forward and raising my wand higher. "When they stormed the hospital room and said your real name I was confused because it sounded a bit familiar and was obviously not the name you used when you arrived. Plus you looked really scared right before you left and it reminded me how scared I was when I was involved with You Know Who. It made me want to help you the way no one helped me" he replied. Just then the door nob started to turn violently, followed by loud bangs on the door. "Oh god they found me again, look I'm sorry but I have to go" "And I am really sorry about this". He replied. "Wait what are you sorry fo-" before I could finish my sentence he drew his wand and muttered a spell, then the world went black.

When I woke up, I could feel the pain in my side pulsing. I blinked my eyes, trying to keep them open for long enough to see where I was. I looked at my arms and saw I was tied down. I went into complete panic mode. I started thrashing, trying to jerk the robes off of me. The pain in my side worsened but I knew it would be a small price to pay if it meant escaping death. Then I heard his voice. "Hey hey woah calm down you aren't in danger. I only restrained you so that you wouldn't try to run off". It was Draco Malfoy again. I stopped thrashing. As furious as I was that he had essentially kidnapped me I felt an inherent trust in him that allowed me to relax a bit. "If your idea of help is kidnapping then you have a really twisted sense of what the word help means". I looked around the room more. I was in a king bed with black sheets on it. There was a large dresser against a wall and french doors that appeared to lead to a balcony. "Draco, did you take me to Malfoy Manor?" I asked, a tone of anger growing in my voice. "Yes and I didn't kidnap you. I rescued you. There is no way you would have survived another solo apparation. And I took you to the Manor because it's the safest place to be where I can heal you fully and for you to tell me what you are so involved with that people want you dead" he said. "I really can't tell you. You honestly have no idea how much danger you have brought upon yourself by taking me to your home. I'm serious. If you don't untie me and let me go disappear somewhere, we'll both end up dead. Besides, what makes you think those goons haven't figured out your little DNA trace stunt."

He went silent. He had slightly considered it but his curiosity and desire to protect the familiar stranger had pushed down any fear of death that loomed over his actions. "Draco you don't even know who I am. Don't risk your life for me. It's not worth it" I sighed. He sat down next to me and looked at his hands. "I know your name is Y/F/N Y/L/N. I know you were in Y/H/H and that you were two years behind me at Hogwarts." I was taken aback. How did he know that? He must have done research on me after I left the hospital. "I realized it was you once I brought you back here, you look quite different now then when we were at school". His voice softened as he gently stroked my head. "I'll make you a deal." I said suddenly, breaking him out of what seemed to be a trance. "If you take these restraints off of me, I promise I won't run and I'll let you heal me fully." He smirked slightly, clearly thinking he was finally getting his way. "But I will not tell you the details of why the Dark Saints are after me." He raised an eyebrow. "The Dark Saints huh?" Shit. 

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