Prologue: Kazuki's Childhood Life

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Ninja: Experts at sabotaging, information manipulation, and assassination. Those Japanese spies served their lords in darkness. Covert and silent, they took part in sculpting the history of Japan. Now, in modern society, no one has seen, much less believes in the existence of, ninjas.... or is it?

It was a sunny day, birds chirping peacefully, the wind blowing a gentle breeze, and rustling leaves. This is Daikoku Village, a village where ninja lives and hide from the "outside world" so one can reveal their secrets. It was a quiet peaceful day.... except one.

Sword clashing can be heard from the grass field, metal clashing metal, sparks flying into the air, and shouts determined who wants to be victorious. One man and one child are sparring together but the adult fights like it was a real war and the child takers every heavy hit from the man. The child concealed defeat, he drop down to his knees and heavily gasping for air, the man puts his sword inside the scabbard and walks over to him.

???: "You are weak Kazuki, I told you many times to fight like in real battles."

Kazuki: "I thought....this is training..." He said continuing gasping more air.

???: "This is training son." The man spoke back.

Kazuki: "I don't understand at all dad..."

The child's name is Kazuki Araya and the man who "beats up" his son is Mr. Araya. Mr. Araya strictly trains his son so he could become the next Legendary Ninia that wields the legendary weapon: Kamuy and become the next Daikoku Village Chief. Kazuki, on the other hand, suffers a lot of damage from his dad, his ninja attire is covered with small cuts and bruises on his body, he wanted to play with the other kids and make friends but his dad strictly trains him every day.

Mr. Araya: "That's because you haven't given it your all!"

Kazuki: "I am giving it my all dad!" He shouts back with an angry tone. "I'm trying to use all of my strength to fight... And I'm just a ten-year-old kid! Why can't I play like a normal kid for once, dad?"

Mr. Araya: "You're not here to play games! You are here to train to become a full-fledged ninja, do you understand?"

Kazuki: "Well I don't wanna become a ninja!"

Mr. Araya: "What did you say you little-"

???: "Now now lad, don't be too hard on the kid."

An unknown voice cuts off from Mr. Araya, the two ninjas look in front of the source of the voice, it was none other than Kikuko Hattori. She's also a ninja in Daikoku Village and Kazuki's master, she's in charge of training Kazuki but his dad was his substitute master when she's on a mission. She also trains the village chief a long time ago but doesn't let her young figure fool her, she is very old.

Mr. Araya: "Kikuko."

Kazuki: "Good timing old hag."

The "young" kunoichi instantly has a tick mark on her forehead, she hits Kazuki on the noggin so hard he has a steaming bump popping upon his head.

Kikuko: "That's master to you lad!"

Kazuki: "Ow...!" He runs his bump. " Not cool hag! Not cool!"

Kikuko: "Rrrghh....! *sigh* Whatever."

She doesn't feel angry anymore because she's already getting used to Kazuki calling her "old hag" or just "hag". Kikuko turns her head to the village chief just in time to ask her a question.

Mr. Araya: "How's the mission Kikuko?"

Kikuko: "It's fine, we're going to have a meeting about that mission. Besides..." she turns her head towards Kazuki.

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