Chapter 1

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A/N: Uhhhh.... there's a problem.... There is absolutely no steampunk au sprite edits or ship fanarts for Kaimaki and my trashy edits won't be worth your time so yeah.

Maki Harukawa, she was an assassin who lived in Japan but wanted- well, needed a new lifestyle so off to the great country of London she went (In this AU London is basically Britain so don't worry I know my stuff) to become an inventor. The boat ride was a bit bumpy but she made it. Walking off the boat, Maki looked at the steam powered country in front of her. She then looked down at a envelope with the name 'Rantaro Amami', she would give that letter to him and then he would teach her how to become an inventor like him. Well, she wouldn't really be like him since he was the leading inventor in this steampunk world, unrivaled. There was a problem though. Maki didn't know where to find him. She walked more into the city and looked around for someone who would know where to find him.  Maki stepped back a bit when she bumped into someone taller than her. 

"Sorry." She mumbled and looked up at their face. "It is quite alright although I should be the one apologizing since I am a maid while you are certainly more than me by the looks of it." The taller person curtsied apologetically to reveal a blonde haired maid. "Kirumi Tojo, although I serve my mistress, Miss. Akamatsu, I am at your service." Kirumi introduced herself. "Maki Harukawa." Maki shook Kirumi's hand. "A Japanese assassin, I see." Kirumi noted. "How did you-" "I, too, used to live in japan and I've heard about you but it seemed like I'm the only one." Kirumi cut Maki off. "Oh, I am terribly sorry, I shouldn't be talking over you." Kirumi apologized. "It's alright, no need to apologize. I am not your mistress. I do need to ask you something though." Maki noted. "Please, ask me anything." Kirumi said.

"Do you know where to find this person?" Maki handed Kirumi the letter. Kirumi inspected it closely. "Hmm, Rantaro Amami, the one and only. He is everywhere and nowhere. Finding him could be nearly impossible but I'm sure my mistress might have an idea." Kirumi said. "Can you take me to your mistress?" Maki asked as Kirumi nodded. "Please, follow me." So basically Kirumi led Maki to Kaede. "Miss. Akamatsu, there is someone who would like to speak to you." Kirumi called out from the front door as Maki waited outside. There were footsteps before another blonde haired girl arrived. "Kirumi, please, just call me Kaede. It makes me feel awkward when you say Miss. Akamatsu." Kaede walked down her front steps to face Maki. "Ah, hello, Miss. Akamatsu. I am Maki Harukawa" Maki curtsied. "Please, no need to act all formal! Just think of me as a friend and call me Kaede!" Kaede smiled and giggled a bit.

"You're... weirdly nice for a noble." Maki stated. "Oh, I'm not really noble! I just live with my step-dad who's a noble." Kaede smiled. "I guess that makes sense. I was told you might know who this person is." Maki gave the letter to Kaede. "Oh! Rantaro? Gee, I wish. That guy works 24 hours everyday to help people using his inventions." Kaede smiled. "Hmm, so he's a nice guy, I see." Maki nodded. "Of course, I remember when I met him. I can remember how nice he was to me!" Kaede said, going back on that memory but she snapped out of it and gave the letter back to Maki. "I'm super sorry I couldn't help you!" Kaede said, feeling guilty. "It's okay, I guess, I'm sure I'll find him." Maki said before walking off. She felt somewhat disappointed and sat on a bench contemplating on how she could find him. "Are you okay? You looked disappointed." A higher female voice asked as Maki looked up at a blue haired girl. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." Maki said as she partially lie. "Oh, well, in case you're lying and you're not actually fine, may I take you to come meet a friend?" The blue haired girl asked. "Sure, why not." Maki shrugged seeing as the sun had almost gone down and she would have no more time to search for Rantaro. "I bet you'll love him! Literally!" The blue haired girl said as Maki walked with her. "Uh huh, anyways who are you and who's this friend you're talking about?" Maki asked. "I'm Tsumugi Shirogane, a tailor in this large city and my friend, well, people like the inventor, Miu Iruma call him a peasant blacksmith with a dream that'll never come true." Tsumugi explained. "Uh huh." Maki nodded, allowing her to carry on. "He's honestly like a big brother to me though and I think his dream will come true someday." Tsumugi said with a determined voice. "And what is his dream?" Maki asked. 

"To go to space. That's the reason why he takes me to stargaze with him every night. We always talk about space and he enjoys it. I never forget the way his face lights up whenever he gets a chance to talk about space." Tsumugi explained. "Oh?" Maki raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, it's somewhat sad though because he always gets told to shut up and do his job. Even then he still has a smile on his face and I do not understand it." Tsumugi said as Maki started to think about this friend of Tsumugi's "So, what about you?" Tsumugi asked. "What about me?" Maki asked. "What led up to you sitting on that bench?" Tsumugi asked. Maki wasn't one to open up so easily especially with her whole backstory. "I would rather keep that to myself." Maki said. "Ah, I totally get it." Tsumugi nodded before stopping at a forge. "Well, here we are." She whispered and walked up behind a taller guy which Maki assumed was at least 6'0.

From what Maki could see, his hair was a shade of purple and it looked like the back of it was standing up which must use up a lot of hair gel. He wiped his forehead with his arm as he finished making a blade for a sword. Tsumugi hugged him from behind which would usually frighten him but he knew exactly who it was.

Oh, woah this got longer than I wanted it. It literally is over the 1000 word count that I usually have- oh, well!

Word Count: 1091

Titles Can't Assume Love - A steampunk au Kaimaki- BLOODMOONWhere stories live. Discover now