Chapter 18

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The hunting patrol came back to camp with many pieces of prey. The clans were lucky enough that this leaf-bare wasn't that bad yet, but they couldn't be too sure. Azrael placed his catch in the fresh-kill pile and sighed. With the loner attacks not being common and 3 new warriors being made, Thunderclan was slowly coming back together. Snowflower was grooming Grayfeather's pelt, both of them smiling happily.

Azrael felt happy for his former apprentice. New life was striving in the clan, thanks to Whitestar's and Willowfur's second litter, and Poppyfern was expecting Sunfur's kits. Azrael made his way to Honeypelt and laid down next to her. He groomed her fur as their tails intertwined. Honeypelt purred as he does so.

The brambles in the camp entrance bristled as cats walked through. Azrael quickly recognized one of the cat's scent and looked up to see Louis, Tabs, Stripes, and Vixie walking into the camp. "Louis? What are you doing here?" He asked his friend. The green tom had a serious look in his eyes and didn't answer. Whitestar entered the clearing and approached the group of loners.

"This is an unexpected surprise. What are you doing here?" The leader asked. Tabs stepped forward. "Whitestar. We mean you no harm but Billy and Lucy has taken over our territory. We couldn't fight them off and they drove us out. We ask if we can spend a few nights here until we can take back our territory." The old cat mewed. Stripes was looking around and was pretty shaken up, probably because he didn't like being out in the open a lot.

"You may stay. We'll help you get your home back." Whitestar confirmed. Louis sighed and sat down. Azrael sat next to him. "Don't worry. Those foxhearts won't get away with it." He told him. "I know. I'm just upset is all." Louis said. Azrael placed his tail on his back and left. He left the camp to go hunt, which usually calmed him. Of course, Azrael used to hunt the Smurfs instead of voles and mice.

He sniffed the area and caught scent of a shrew. He crouched down and crawled towards it. Before Azrael could catch it, he heard a yowl of pain. The yowl was heard again but it was more clear as to where it was coming from. Azrael followed the noise and saw Billy and Lucy leaving the other's territory. Lucy seemed to have lost weight and she was limping a bit. Then it hit Azrael as what the noise was.

Lucy had her kits. But where were they? They weren't bounding around their parents. A small mew was heard from the bushes Billy and Lucy had left from. Azrael slid to the bush and noticed a small black kit mewing. He soon realized that this kit was theirs. He growled and ran right in front of them.

"Well, if it isn't Azrael!" Billy said. Azrael hissed. "Why did you leave your kit alone?!" He questioned. "That puny thing? It is nothing like us! She is so small! We're hoping a badger or a fox feasts on her." Lucy said weakly. Azrael's eyes dilated and his fur raised up.

"You two are heartless! A kit needs their parents! You can't leave her behind!" He yelled at them. Billy growled at him and turned around with Lucy. "Lets go. And leave the kit! She won't be any use." Lucy said as they went to the territory. Azrael hissed at them and raced back to the kit. She was mewing and crying. Azrael's heart sank. He gently grabbed her scruff and went back to camp. The kit was still mewing, so the clan heard her. Whitestar looked at the kit as Azrael placed her down.

"Why did you bring this kit here?" He asked. "This is Billy and Lucy's kit. They left her shortly after Lucy gave birth to her. They said that they hope a badger or a fox feasts on her." Azrael explained. The clan gasped and looked at each other. "Get rid of her! They'll want her back!" Stripes said. Azrael growled and wrapped his tail around the mewling kit. "They abandoned her!" He said.

Grayfeather stepped forward. "The warrior code says that no clan should leave a kit behind, even if it's from another clan. This also implies with cats outside the clans. This poor kit has done nothing wrong and I am sure that if we keep her, she will grow up to be nothing like her parents."

Azrael smiled and looked at Whitestar. The leader nodded. "Grayfeather is right. We will keep this young kit and raise her to be a Thunderclan warrior." He said. Azrael sighed in relief. Honeypelt approached him and looked at the kit. "She's so small." Honeypelt said. "I know. But I know that she needs parents. And I think we can be those parents." He told his mate.

Honeypelt purred and smiled at the kit. "Well, part of being parents is to name her. So what should her name be?" She asked. Azrael looked down at the kit. "I was thinking of calling her Violet. Just Violet." Azrael said. His mate purred but frowned. "How are we going to nurse her?" She asked.

"We can ask Willowfur. I'm sure she won't mind." Azrael suggested. Violet mewed as she looked up at her new parents. Azrael smiled happily as he looked at the kit he would call his daughter. He would have to protect her, love her, and give her the kithood he could never have.

"Welcome home, Violet."

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