Doctor Spencer Reid

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A/N: so. this is a part of fanfic I'm writing. enjoy.

It was well past midnight when Doctor Spencer Reid got out of the shower and made his way to the kitchen for a glass of water. He got back from the BAU around 11PM after he finished his paperwork from the case they had closed that afternoon. Morgan asked him to join him, Emily and Penelope for a drink but the young genius declined. He was tired and he hoped for at least a few hours of sleep.
He was supposed to go to bed after drinking the water but he got distracted with his copy of "Howl and other poems" by Allen Ginsberg that lied on the coffee table in the living room. He read it once already and he remembered what was written there. He wasn’t sure why but he started reading it again thinking about all of the different meanings each poem could have.

His sleep was long forgotten. His mind was racing through contexts that could have been used and all the possibilities of metaphors. He was focused and calm, not thinking about murder or psychos who could be waiting for an opportunity to strike.

He blinked a couple of times when he reached the last poem. How long has he been doing this? He had no idea. He pulled a hand down his face, frowning a bit. He really should sleep if he can get lost in his thoughts without realising.

Spencer sighed and stood up. He turned off the lights and went to his bedroom where a small bedside lamp was still on. He moved a pile of books and papers that were sitting there so there was some space for him. He laid down and pulled his blanket over himself. He closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep. He just couldn’t seem to relax. He tossed and turned but no position seemed to satisfy the man. He started to get irritated. He was tired and he was supposed to sleep. He had work the next day but his mind wasn’t calming anytime soon.
Finally, he curled up in  a small ball on his right side and as he was recalling the “Hamlet” from memory he started to relax.

Suddenly, there was  a noise outside and Reid sat up looking around startled. His mind supplying him with memories of the time he was kidnapped or attacked. Doctor’s right hand went to the drawer where he kept his gun as he tried to hear or see anything out of the ordinary. He slowly stood up and walked towards the window. Looking outside he saw two pigeons fighting right outside the glass. Spencer sighed and closed his eyes angry at himself for getting so worked up by some stupid birds. He put away his gun and looked at his bed.
“Well, there goes my sleep…” he sighed “again…”

A/N: I know it's short but I had fun writing this. I have a lot of work with university so I don't have much time to write anymore unfortunately.
I'll try to get back to it when I have a chance though.
Have a nice day!

Nate ✌️

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