How we became a cult

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Firstly, I feel like I should mention that we are just a group of people who met via a comment section-

Secondly, hi! This is Maisie and I was not the person who created this cult (I actually joined 4 months after).

Meet ratsareunderrated , our leader. (P.s. you're welcome, rats)

We are just a group of unjudgemental people who talk on a daily bases.

When was the first comment? 16th of April 2020.

This whole thing started off when the early members tried to find how to buy a Jace (a character from the book). Of course, this quickly escalated to blackmailing Jeff Bezos (hence the name).

Sadly for all of us, we have been unable to find ourselves a Jace.

By June 17th, there were 400 comments! *celebrates*

And, with the constant spamming of "rat", we reached 1000 comments by July 14th!

And after a lot of random stuff, including wholesome things on a smut chapter (I know), I, maisieloft13 joined on August 22nd.

Now, this isn't even the half of it but, today, the 11th of October 2020, we reached 10k comments!!!

There are so many of us now, it is unbelievable-

The next chapter will include the names of most of us! I say most because not everyone is active anymore.

Stay tuned because soon, I may just reveal the secret as to how you can join us!


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