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WARNING - derogatory terms, such as the f-slur, are used in this chapter.

The next morning, Bill went home, much to Will's dislike. Mike had a slight smirk on his face as the car pulled away from the house - finally he could have Will to himself.

Will was extremely upset once the car drove out of sight. He let a few tears slip and he walked back inside without any words. He wiped his tears stained cheeks with the back of his hand as he walked up the stairs.

Mike followed him, close behind but Will shut the door to his own room in his face. Mike huffed and knocked.

"Go away, Mike," came a soft voice through the door. Mike sighed and opened the door anyways.

"Mike please-"


Mike walked over to where Will was sat, knees brought the his chest with red cheeks and puffy eyes. Mike sat next to him put his hand on top of his.

Will looked at him, more tears forming in his eyes. His rested his head on Mike's shoulder and let out a sob.

Mike had to admit; he was ever so slightly jealous. Sure, he knew he and bill were only friends but he knew about the feelings between them. Mike just wished he could fix his mistakes.

"I'm sorry, Will," Mike mumbled, before Will could say anything, "I-I'm so so sorry I called you that... It wasn't fair. I'm sorry for calling you...that and I'm sorry I called you weird-"

Flashback to the argument

"Isn't Patrick Swayze just amazingly hot?" Max smiled as the attractive young man walked across the screen. El nodded in agreement and giggled when Mike faked offence and then pulled him in, beginning a make-out session.

The six of them sat on the floor at Lucas' house, watching Dirty Dancing and many other films while stuffing their faces with all sorts of junk food. The order they sat in, left to right, went; Mike, El, Max, Will, Lucas (Dustin was off with Suzie).

Will hummed a small, "Yeah." Max smiled was about to say something about Patrick but Mike had something to say first.

"Will, that's weird," Mike made a bit of a disgusted face at Will before chuckling.

"W-whys that? I'm just agreeing his good looking," Will challenged.

"It's gay, dude," he smirked, "You don't see me or Lucas calling him hot."

"He kinda is though..." Will heard Lucas utter to himself. Will suppressed a small smile and remembered what Mike was doing. Will shook his head and stood up. He began putting his things in his bag.

"Will, I was just joking," Mike chuckled but Will didn't think his 'joke' was all.

"Just shut up! We both know you weren't," Will shoved the last thing in his backpack and walked away. He opened the front door and walked out into the dark but the next thing Mike said stopped him.

"It's not my fault you don't like girls!"

"E-excuse you?" Will was furious, nervous and upset all at the same time.

"I can't help that your a faggot, Will!"

Will turned and slapped him. Hard.

"How dare you!" He shouted, "Are you seriously that low, Mike? Are you seriously that dumb?"

Mike lifted his hand to his face. Even though Will was small, he had a stinging slap.

He shoved Mike back. Since the black haired boy was a lot bigger then he was, he only stumbled slightly.

"I- I shouldn't ha-have-"

"But you fucking did, Mike!" Will now had tears crawling down his cheeks, "You still said it!"

"And for what? Because I called a guy attractive? You're ruining this party! You and Dustin had a fight the other day became instead of meeting his girlfriend you would rather swap spit with some dumb girl!"

"El is not a dumb girl! Watch what you say before you go insulting my girlfriend, Will."

"There you go again...caring only about her when you have other people to care about! When she breaks your heart...Don't come crawling back to me," The smaller shouted at him through sobs.

He wiped his eyes and shoved Mike again before whispering,"Fuck you, Mike."

"Will please!"

Will drowned out Mike's pleads and shouts as he ran further down the street. His tears came down faster and faster as he got closer to the motel his family was staying in.

Suddenly, he bumped into someone.

"Hey, Wi- What wrong?" It was Dustin. Perfect.

Will couldn't speak so Dustin just pulled him into a hug. Will felt Suzie's hand his back as he sobbed into Dustin's shoulder.

Will went to sleep that night thinking only of one thing; 'I never want to come back here.'

End of flashback

"Will, I'm just so sorry... I don't know how you'll forgive me but please. Please give me another chance," Mike sobbed to Will.

Will smiled and nodded before wrapping his arms around Mike's neck and pulling into a sweet and loving kiss.


Hey guys!
Wow, over 150 reads! I wanna say thank you so so much to those readers who are still reading and enjoying this story! I'm sorry this is a little late and short it's because one of my friends did get the dreaded COVID and a lot of us at school had to be sent home but they are doing okay. I've decided that this story will only be a few more chapters. It's mainly because this is my first story and I just kinds jumped right into with out a plan. My next ones will be longer and more planned out but they will be other ships, such as drarry ;)  Anyway I hope you're all okay and once again thanks for reading! :)

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