fourteen, invitation

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Her steps were about five times faster than usual that morning.

Sam had decided to skip yet another day of classes, so Opal decided to get to her first class with Claire just a little bit earlier than usual in hopes that she would get to have a little bit of alone time with the professor who was always running on a tight schedule. She ached and craved to be in her presence as much as possible, her mind completely encompassed with the thought of her every waking moment.

She was grateful that Sam had escaped through her window early that morning in order to get home before her mom did from her night shift; it gave her more time to spice herself up.

She'd decided to wear a tight and low-cut black shirt that day, one that fit the curves of her chest and the slimness of her waist perfectly. The bust of the shirt was drawn together with strings like shoelaces, two black strings hanging over her chest and begging to be tugged. She paired it with her favorite pair of ripped, high-waisted jeans and her black combat boots that she had vigorously shined after Sam left that morning.

So her pace was quickened with her excitement as her boots thudded up the staircase to the second floor where her class with Claire was. She kept her fingers crossed as she journeyed down the hallway that Claire wasn't late to class for once, her soft blonde waves bouncing against her back in pace with her steps.

As she neared the door to the classroom, she heard the angelic voice of that redhead which made her grin in relief, but right before entering the classroom, she heard another voice from inside, one that made her stop in her tracks.

It was that grainy whisper of a voice that belonged to none other than the shady hooded kid known as Alex Cypress. He was saying something hurriedly as he always did, and Opal strained to hear as she leaned against the wall beside the open door.

"I just want to simply retake the test. Is that too much to ask for?" his familiar voice demanded, his tone rising yet his volume staying stagnant. Opal put together what he had said at the park the previous day and understood that he was referring to the midterm.

"Yes," Claire responded immediately, "It is too much to ask for. It would be unfair to the other students if I let you retake the test—"

"Fine," he scoffed, cutting Claire off abruptly. Opal didn't even hear his footsteps until they were right beside the door and he was passing right beside her, nearly brushing her in his path. "I'm gonna fucking kill that bitch," he mumbled to himself, hands stuffed in his pockets and hood covering his face as always as he marched down the hall, body slightly swaying as if he held some ounce of swagger.

What an actor, she thought to herself, quietly scoffing as she watched his figure disappear down the staircase. He was one of those jerks who didn't have any self-responsibility, she figured, and it made her sick. It was his own fault for failing the midterm even though it was a difficult test and one that Opal didn't do too swell on, herself. But she wasn't going to spew hatred against Claire even if she wasn't having an affair with her.

Rolling her eyes and brushing the thought of him away, she entered the classroom and was delighted to see that woman who sat at her desk, writing away in her planner. She was wearing a black blazer over a white shirt and black pants, her dark copper hair pulled back in its usual twist that left delicate tendrils surrounding her structured face. She looked concentrated, her eyebrows sewn together in a look that Opal had grown familiar with.

"Hey, professor," the blonde said with a smile, feeling particularly bold that day.

Blue eyes flickered up to hers, almost taking a moment to register the girl before her. Her serious expression then broke into a smug one as she leaned back against her chair, one arm still holding the pen to her planner as the other one laid lazily off the arm of the chair. Her eyes raked down the girl's figure almost tangibly, those dark lips curling into a lustrous smile. "Well, hello to you, too."

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