Return of Evil

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5 Months since Rose's death
Luisa's POV

"Luisa..." a voice mumbled. I was drained in my dizziness, barely hearing the voice. "Luisa." The voice spoke again. I tried to open my mouth to respond, nothing but dry, empty air coming out of my mouth as if I was in the middle of a desert. "LUISA" the voice yelled with more fierce than the other two times. "HUH?" I yelled finally waking up out of my thoughts. I looked around...there was no one there.
Damn, I quietly mumbled under my breath. Must've had too many drinks last night.

Yes, I know, I shouldn't have been drinking. I have been sober for 2 years. 2 fucking years. I mean come on I needed at least one drink. Especially after killing-...My eyes got watery almost before finishing the sentence. My lips got dry. All of a sudden I couldn't breathe. I needed air. I walked out to my balcony. The wind was swaying back and forth. As it touched my face and went through each strand of my hair, I felt relieved. I let out a sigh. As you can see, my life fell apart after what I did to Rose.

I never realized how much I loved her until I couldn't have her anymore. All I have had since her death were lonely nights. Crying, every step I take thinking about rose. It took over my life. It got so bad I...I- I wanted to end my life. I walked back into my house, closing the balcony doors behind me. Trying not to cry about rose again, I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I saw a depressed, lonely, miserable woman staring at me in the mirror. Her hair was wild, she had crust in her eyes, her lips were dry. This woman was me. This was my life. Every day was another day i'd rather spend dead.

I heard clingy footsteps. It sounded as if it were heels. I walked out of the bathroom. I peeked my head out to see a tall woman standing in front of my eyes. My vision got blurry. What is happening? I said in my mind. The woman spoke. "Luisa...what are you doing?" The voice sounded very familiar. I wiped my eyes hoping my vision would un-blur. "Luisa, What's wrong!?" The voice said, worried and confused. My mind went blank. I didn't even understand where I was anymore. I fell to the floor, injuring my elbow. The woman walked closer, gently picking me up off the ground and carefully placing me onto my bed. I felt the woman touch me. That was no ordinary touch. It sent shivers down my spine. My legs got cold. My heart started pounding faster than a second. My vision cleared as my mind awoke. OH MY GOD, It was Rose.

Hey guys/gals. If you're reading this thank you! There's not much happening in this chapter and it's very short. But trust me it'll get better and longer as the chapters continue. So keep reading :) Also this is my first time writing a story. If you see any errors please excuse me. Hope you enjoyed :) !!

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