Let's Get Real

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Ok, let's get real y'all, this is not a one shot books or 8sntbreally a good one, there is barely anny fluff, and I suck at writing short stories, so, I wanted to ask, should I keep writing this book? Or should I actually make a One shot book apart from this? If I make a new one I will write any requests I get here there, and I'll try my best to keep the short, any long stories that I was doing here, like Dark Blood, Dragons Burning Love, and such will be made into their own books and such, so if you only want to read those, I think you should be aware for the future, since those will come out, I'm trying my best to be a good writer, but this is first time writing,  I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do so, also, sorry for my terrible writing, I am bilingual, first lenguaje is castellano Spanish

Anywho, if anyone wants me to continue this, and wants me to write it like I already am, just comment, I'd not, then tell me so, I really wanna hear your opinions

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