CHAPTER 2. part 1.

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The next morning I wake up to my phone ringing. the ringing suddenly stops and I look over seeing 13 missed calls. I look around not noticing where I am at all. I grab my phone and see it was my mom. I call back and she immediately answers.

"Alaia?!!" she shouts in my ear

"Hi mom?" he rub my eyes and continue to look around.

"Where are you?!" she yells again

"Mom I dont know.." I got up and walked out of the room looking down at the big shirt i didn't remember putting on. I walked down the small hallway and looked over seeing the back of Daniels head.

"You dont know where you are?!" my mom continued as i looked "Where you kidnapped?!"

I tiptoed my way back to the room "I'm at Daniels." I heard a sigh of relief from the other side of the phone.

"Oh thank god" she mummers "Be home soon!" she shouts a bit quieter than before

"Ok mom" i nodded to myself and we said our goodbyes.

I walked back down the hallway and peeked around the corner not seeing him anymore.

"Can i help you?" a voice said from behind me causing me to jump.

I turned and looked seeing a tall guy that slightly resembles daniel.

"Are you alright?" He asked and I nodded in response.

"Go have a seat.." the man hesitated and laid a hand on my back, leading me to the couch.

I sat down and continued to look around. I was looking for the familiar face i was with last night but there was nothing. I looked over at the guy who was walking towards the door.

"Daniel!" I heard him shout.

I leaned forward and looked out of the window seeing he was outside working out.

"Did you have a girl over?" The guy shouted and i continued to watch Daniel.

"Yea! hold on ill be in, in a second!" I heard his voice shout back.

I looked down at my shirt as the door closed realizing it was probably daniels. I huffed at the thought that some of them had and kind of wondered it myself. I heard a door open and quickly looked over at the door the guy was at but it was still closed. I heard bags ruffle and looked at the front door seeing a woman come in with groceries.

I stand up and look towards her as the guy from earlier walks in. I slowly tiptoe my way back to the hallway.

"excuse me?" i heard another voice say, causing me to turn around.

"Who are you?" the woman says as she sits her bags down.

"Shes with Daniel." the guys says looking at me.

I nod softly and the look at the woman as she sighs
"alright" she shakes her head and looks back at the bags.

I walk quickly to the room I woke up in and sat back on the bed. I let myself fall back and pulled the blanket over my face. I laid there waiting for daniel before i heard a small creek in the floor. I moved the blanket and looked up. Daniel quickly grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder causing me to squeal.

"Daniel!" I shout with a giggle

"Alaia!" he mocks me in a girly voice.

I smile and he sits me down in front of him "What am i doing here?" i ask

"Well, we went to target, then went to a party you saw on the street, you got drunk, so i brought you back here so your parents wouldnt see you" he nodded

I nodded slowly and pointed to my stomach "the shirt?" i ask

"you threw up on your clothes" he nods again.

"oh" i frown softly "so where are my clothes?"

"my moms washing them, i can go see if their done if you want?" he points

i shrug "if you dont mind"

He walks out of the room and I sit back on the bed. I look around again and smile at all of the pictures. I stand up and walk over to his piano and press a random key. Daniel reached around me and pressed another. I look at him and he hands me my clothes

"thank youu!" I smile "where can i change?"

"you can change here, just come out when you're done" he smiles back and walks out of the room and closes his door behind him.

I pull off the shirt and start putting my skirt back on. I grab my shirt and pull it on aswell. I fixed my hair and walked out of his room before looking around for him. I saw him talking to the guy i ran into earlier so I walk over and sit back on the couch. Daniel eventually walks back over and sits next to me.

"So whats the plan for today?" He smiles

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