# FR♡M H♡ME.

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☆ 第一章 ☆˘ᵕ˘

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## ELLO BABYY 👋 welcome to the idk second chapter of this book thing! i hope you have sum snacks and drinks cuz my baby needs to stay healthy 😠 anyways, i put the songs for this book thing so that your spotify doesn't have to go ‼️🔊 WATCH THIS SHORT VIDEO TO GET 30 MINUTES OF UNINTERRUPTED LISTENING 🔊 ‼️or something idk. you're welcome btw 😌😌

note from me in the future: HELLLOOO DOES THE VID WORK FOKING KICKS WP🤬🤬🤬

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## i chose this song first because you're my home. no matter where we are, i feel safe around you. you're the person i'm most comfortable with. when i meet new people i'm always really nervous about fucking it up cuz i'm a ✨ weirdoo ✨ 🧑‍🦽🧑‍🦽 and i don't want to make people uncomfortable cuz of my yelling 👹 but with you i just go BAKXNAKJXKSNSKSJSKSNSCNXM yk......
anyways, thanks for making me feel comfortable, safe, loved, warm & all that stuff! seeing you smile makes my entire day. your happiness is my number one priority. i'll drop literally everything to be with you, just you.

## in this song there's a lyric sung by best boi renjun oPpaaar that goes like 💃🕺 "when i  see you in the eyes and hold you in my arms i can get away from my loneliness" 💃🕺 WELL YEAA, i tend to feel a bit lonely sometimes cuz haha life but the...

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## in this song there's a lyric sung by best boi renjun oPpaaar that goes like 💃🕺 "when i see you in the eyes and hold you in my arms i can get away from my loneliness" 💃🕺 WELL YEAA, i tend to feel a bit lonely sometimes cuz haha life but then you're there, always. you fill up the emptiness in my life just by saying 3 words: "i love you." those words mean so much to me, bunny 🥺 they give me a warm feeling & they also gimme butterflies. i'm so whipped cor you whattheFawk ahemahem tbh every lyric in this song makes me think about you some way but i won't keep this chapter too long cuz that means i have to make the other chapters diz long too for the 😫 aesthetic 😫 & idk if i'm able to do that 😢😢😢 BUT IM TRYINF TO MAKE THIS BOOK AS PERFECT AS POSSIBLE ☝️

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## lil bonus : i ☝️ found 🔎👄🔍 this ☝️ AKA YOU BEING CUTE WHEN WE STARTED DATING WEEWOOO

for the nosy n confused readerz : dEmi uSed tO b a hyUnjiN n I waS a rOsé n mOi nAme wAz kIyOmI oR iDk sO dAts whY thOse scReenshoTz r lIek tHat 👊😀‼️

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for the nosy n confused readerz : dEmi uSed tO b a hyUnjiN n I waS a rOsé n mOi nAme wAz kIyOmI oR iDk sO dAts whY thOse scReenshoTz r lIek tHat 👊😀‼️

for the nosy n confused readerz : dEmi uSed tO b a hyUnjiN n I waS a rOsé n mOi nAme wAz kIyOmI oR iDk sO dAts whY thOse scReenshoTz r lIek tHat 👊😀‼️

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