the figure

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(this one is a bit different) I am asleep having any dream of any kind. I have this sudden realization this is no longer a dream. The scenery goes dark and I'm all alone in dark decrepit house. I'm scared so I call out. Then in the corner of my eye I see a dark thin figure scurry by on all fours. I couldn't see it's face. I try to run but I'm slowed down. I see coming closer and I can't outrun it. It latches onto me and drags me into this inky darkness. I find myself in another room this time chained down. I can't see anything but myself. I feel a pain in my left arm. I look over and see a chunk missing from my fore arm. I feel the pain as if it were real. I look around for what did that to me. In the corner I see a person hunched over and chewing on something. They turn around and have on a wide smile. There's blood running down their mouth. I try to yell and call out for help. They move closer and closer. They grab my leg and bite into it. It hurts it stings. They continue to eat my flesh every now and then uttering the words. "Food doesn't talk. Hush food." By the time my vision starts to fade I've lost almost all of my body parts. I wake up in a cold sweat again, but there is no pain.

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