Chapter 3

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My name is William Afton. William Vincent Afton.


'No... theres no way. William Afton, the guy who was was arrested for 7 attempted murders, 5 successful ones, and poisoning his own wife?!' 

You start backing away from him, slowly picking up your pace as you start running out of the alleyway. You can hear his footsteps behind you, but you still keep running. You're only a couple feet away from getting out of the alleyway when you see something fly past you and graze you cheek. Blood seeped out from the cut, and a searing pain grew from it.

You looked behind you in horror to find that he had caught up to you and was looking down on you with his eyes full of anger. He shoved you back against the wall, this time choking you (he has his hand around your neck and is actually choking you. Pervert.) to the point where you could barely even take a breath without coughing.

"Don't. You. Dare." His hand grew tighter around your neck, and at this point you couldn't even breath. He held you up on the ground, and you felt your body go limp in pain. He suddenly let go, and you fell to the ground.

"What the hell?! All I did was run you didn't have to choke me!?" You staggered to your feet and yelled in William's face. He lifted your chin with his hand again.

"Don't forget what I can do (y/n). Your life is in my hands, your death isn't an issue here." He ripped his hand away from your chin, causing your head to swing to the side.

"Just c'mon, we're not to far from my apartment. I'll carry you if you'd like." He reached out his hand to you and bent down. 'What is this guy doing?! First he wants me dead, then he helps me up and asks if he can carry me!'

"Do, do you like me Mr Afton?..." You saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink as he hastily looked away.

"Okay, one, why are you so formal, and two, of course not. Also aren't you underaged?" He smirked at you, trying to keep in a laugh.

"Wh-what?! I'm 23 I'll have you know!" Your face became flushed as you grabbed his hand and he pulled you up.

"Geez kid, dont get so worked up about it. Your so god damn sensitive, lighten up." He suddenly picked you up and started walking down to the other end of the alleyway, towards the apartment building. Your face was still red from the joke he had made earlier, and this just made it worse.


Uuugghhh, I'm really sorry I couldn't keep my promise from before! I've been kinda stressed, and I think I might've set standard for myself that were way to high in terms of these fanfictions. I dont really know where to bring the story from here, so could you guys maybe give me some suggestions in the comments? I honestly want this story to be something you guys enjoy, so feel free to put some ideas down there! (Thank you so much if you do!)

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