Part 1

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You arrive at an area where you see numerous people, the short mustache Italian man Mario saw me and said he'd been expecting you

Mario: welcome Y/n

Y/n: thanks 

you both walk by samus

Samus: hi you must be new here 

Y/n: yes i am

Samus: i'm Samus Aran

Y/n: Y/n L/n 

Samus: nice to meet you Y/n 

you shake her hand and stare at her as Samus walks away 

Snake: i know right 

Y/n: yep snake is it? 

Snake: yes, I think you have a good shot at her 

Y/n: Really?

Snake: Yeah

you continue to walk around the mansion with Mario, but you were thinking about Samus

Samus Aran X Male Reader #2 (Chomper 384)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt