Chapter 2

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Baekhyun never understood love, he never had to and why would he when he had fans who probably imagined him as their boyfriend. Although it wasn't until recently that he had finally identified the strange feeling in his chest, it was love and he was screwed.

¨Get your ass out of bed...¨ Kyungsoo muttered besides him.

¨Itss so warmmm!¨ The elder protested and let out a surprised yelp as the younger kicked him off the bed making him land on the cold floor with a loud thump that had Suho slamming the door open with wide eyes and bed head on full display.

¨Why is Baek-¨ Their leader paused pursing his lips eyebrows knitting together, ¨you know what I don't want to even know.¨ He finished.

¨ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!¨ Baekhyun screeched as he closed the door behind him. He looked up at Kyungsoo who was staring down at him with a arched eyebrow and thats when Baekhyun realized that he was wearing nothing but boxers. He let out a groan and gripped the blanket with his hands and pulled it up to cover himself.

¨Since when were you bashful about being naked.¨ Kyungsoo said a quick glance in his direction told Baekhyun that he indeed was not making a joke and that he was genuiully serious. ¨Ohh I get it, don't worry I won't tell Mark.¨ He said giving a thumbs up and his signature smile although it looked off to Baekhyun who was used to seeing the same stoic face through the eight years they've been together in the group.

¨Your crazy.¨

¨No im not you like him.¨

¨I don't I like him because he's a good dongsang.¨

¨A dongsang that you like.¨

¨God dam it Kyungsoo.¨

¨Im always right.¨

¨Screw you, where are my clothes.¨

¨Where you always leave them, the floor it stinks in here by the way.¨

¨Your very kind today Sooie.¨
¨Don't call me that Baek.¨

¨You call me Baek why can't I call you Sooie?¨

¨Because Sooie sounds dumb.¨

¨So does Baek.¨

¨Would you rather me call you Bacon?¨

¨Fine Baek it is...¨ Baekhyun muttered under his breath. He stretched letting out a pleased hum as he felt his bones crack and looked at the clock and nearly screamed. ¨SHIT SHIT SHIT!¨ He yelled throwing the blankets off of him and running around his room trying to find his clothes while Kyungsoo watched with a bored expression on his face.

¨I called Taemin and told him that you would be late since you needed to catch up on some sleep, although I doubt Kai will believe it... You know your very obvious about your crush, if you would like to be more low key try not to scream his name.¨ He said as Baekhyun just stared at him with a horrified expression on his soft features.

¨Fine fine fine...¨ He muttered under his breath his cheeks flushing from embarrassment.


He ran down the halls only stopping to give a quick bow as he passed a trainee who looked at him with wonder, he couldn't help but feel bad for the kid because he certainly was not as put together and neat as he was portrayed to be nor was he nearly as responsible to become a full fledged leader but thanks to Suhos ever growing kindness and sympathy he had definetly become more confident in his posisiton as leader as did Taemin as their dance practice leader. He skidded to a halt and fumbled around with the knob for a few seconds before finally opening the door. ¨Sorry im late Taem!¨ He called closing the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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