Day 6

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Prompt: get it out
This one was inspired by that one part in Divergent. You'll know which one.

Peter's POV
I was staying overnight at a hotel with my class. We had the highest marks out of every class, and I guess the school thought it was some kind of reward or something.

It had been pretty uneventful. They bought us a bunch of pizza, and the hotel had a pool, but the constant teacher supervision really dampened the mood.

When they finally sent us all back to our rooms, I'd had a pretty decent time, all things considered. Little did I know, that was about to change.

Ned and I were sharing a room, and we watched a bunch of movies on my laptop until Ned fell asleep. I had promised Dad that I wouldn't go out as Spider-Man because I needed to 'relax and take some time for myself' as he had put it, so I decided to actually get some sleep for once.

As I was drifting off, I heard some movement out in the hallway, but elected to ignore it. The sound came from far enough away that it couldn't've been anything important.

'Besides,' I thought, 'I'm Spider-Man. I can take care of myself. I don't know why I'm so paranoid.'

I was having a dream. I was out as Spider-Man, swinging through the city. I enjoyed the feeling of the cool night air wooshing around me as I was propelled through it. This was my favourite feeling. It reminded me what living felt like. I was truly in the moment, having the time of my life leisurely making my way around, no real destination in mind.

My Spidey Senses started tingling, and I followed my instincts down to the nearest alley, ready to fight some crime. The alley was abandoned except for a tall, dark figure at the other end.

"Hello there. Can I help you with anything?" I called out. The figure flew at me then dissolved on impact, floating up in particles around me.

I awoke to a sharp, stabbing pain in my right eye. I screamed in agony, effectively waking Ned, who turned on a lamp. There was blood and eye fluid dripping down my face, but I didn't notice, too busy trying not to pass out. If there were 2 things I'd learned from being injured as Spider-Man, they were: don't try to remove anything on your own, and attempt to stay awake. Neither of those things were easy.

I don't remember Ned leaving the room, but he came back with help. Just as I was considering pulling the knife out of my eye, a teacher and a medic rushed in. If the medic was shocked, he didn't show it.

"Hey, Peter, right? Peter, you're going to be okay, I promise. You did the right thing by not taking the knife out. I'm going to help you, okay? I need you to stay as calm as you possibly can. There's an ambulance on its way," the medic said while doing as much as he could at the moment.

"Please!" I was sobbing. "It hurts, get it out. Get it out, please, please! I can't... get it out, it hurts!"'

If I hadn't been so focused on the excruciating pain, I would've noticed that Ned was on the phone with someone. He finished his call and said something to the teacher, who nodded. She ushered the crowd that had formed in the hallway back to bed, and spoke to Ned once more before leaving the room herself. She looked like she would've been sick if she had stayed any longer.

After a few minutes, the familiar sound of repulsors filled the air. Dad burst through the window in his Ironman suit, and quickly stepped out of it. He rushed to my side and held my arms down, because I had started thrashing when the pain got to be too much.

"Hey bud, I'm here. Natasha and Bruce are in their way with the jet, okay? They'll be here really soon. You just have to hang on a little longer. You're so strong. I'm so proud of you," he soothed, staying out of the medic's way as much as he could.

When Dad was alerted that Bruce and Natasha has arrived, he quickly got back in the suit and carefully scooped me up, doing his best not to jostle me too much.

I received the best medical care, and it was determined that my eye would heal properly due to my advanced healing.

If the medic who helped me came into a large amount of money the next morning, no one mentioned it.

Using the camera footage from the hallway, they were able to identify and detain my assailant, who meant to target someone else. It was very probable that his sentence would be a little longer than normal, due to some swaying by Tony Stark.

And if word got out that I was the adopted son of Ironman, well, that was a problem for another day.

Another one done, and only 10 days late! If anyone is actually reading these, thank you for putting up with me and my mediocre writing. I really lost motivation to write lately, but I'm hoping I can catch up. Thanks for reading.
830 words.

Whumptober 2020: Irondad and spidersonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن