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Name: Sunset

Age: 7

Gender: Female

Tribe: RainWing SkyWing

Personality: Sunset is a kind, and adventurous dragon who is always trying new things and has a bit of a temper.

Appearance: Sunset is a generally small dragon with beautiful coral scales that fade into a sunset orange. Her scales are flecked with silver scales (she is not a NightWing) and her eyes are a vibrant green.

-can breath fire
-can darken and lighten her scale colors

Arashi- father- large, muscular Skywing with sunset orange scales, and piercing golden eyes

Lyre- mother- small RainWing with light pink scales with large splotches of gold and silver with green eyes

Hoatzin- little brother- RainWing SkyWing hybrid with orange scales flecked with gold, and golden eyes. He has a built of a SkyWing, but has a little shorter wings.

Backstory: Work in progress

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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